Tuesday, August 13, 2024

First Day of the 24-25 School Year

Today was the first day of school for Camden and Casen. They both started new schools with Camden now being at the high school and Casen the junior high. 

Camden will start taking the bus to and from school for the first time ever since his school is not right next door or a block away from Shane. But, since it was the first day, I had the joy of driving him to his first day of high school. 

I knew Camden had to be nervous, heck I was nervous for him. He told me he was only a little nervous, and would figure it out. I had no doubt he would. 

Walking in on the first day.

Both boys had a good first day and I was especially pleased to receive a first day of school picture of Charlotte and Casen. I was afraid once they moved onto Junior High that Emily (Charlotte's mom) and I would no longer get a picture. But Casen remembered and when he got to Shane's school he made sure they got a picture together. 

I am looking forward to what lies ahead for them both and pray they both have a great year!

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