This year we had planned to go on a cruise for our summer vacation. We made an appointment in March for the boys to get their passports so we could sail off into the sunset in July. And then, COVID hit. We kept the appointment for the passports, and are looking forward to using them in the near future. We debated whether we should still go on a vacation and decided we could still socially distance while having fun at the beach. So this past week we headed off to the boys favorite vacation spot, Panama City Beach. They wanted to stay in the same place we stayed last year since it was nice and convenient to all our favorite spots.
When we arrived in Florida on Monday it was cloudy and rainy. After checking in, we went and ate dinner and then went shopping for new body boards since the boys (namely Casen) out grew their body board from last year.
When we woke up the next morning, it was cloudy and you could see the storms rolling in. It rained mid morning and finally cleared up enough before noon for us to head out to the beach so the boys could do what they had been waiting to do - body board!
The boys were able to do what they love for about an hour, and then there were black skies on the horizon. I am not a fan of the rain, but there is something quite captivating about watching a storm roll in at the beach.
Since the rain cut our fun short, we all showered up and the went and had a good seafood dinner, did a little shopping and then the boys did a little night swimming in the pool. We didn't stay up too late so we could be good and rested for another day at the beach.
We pretty much spent the whole day Wednesday on the beach. Unfortunately, there weren't many good waves for the boys to body board on, so they instaed played in the sand, played frisbee in the water, and search for shells.
This picture cracks me up - you have Casen acting like he is swinging a bat and Camden is being a photo bomber! |
That evening we went out and ate and then headed out for a little putt putt golf. Despite playing in rain part of the time, we had a fun time!
On Thursday the boys got up with hopes of good waves for body boarding. It started out not looking very promising, but luckily as the day went on, more waves started forming and they were able to spend quite a bit of time riding the waves.
I had fun playing with the camera. :)
Before we headed out to dinner, we of course had to take beach pics. I swear one year I am going to hire someone to take them . . .
We woke up today to a beautiful day, unfortunately it was time to head back home. Even though we have some tired boys, we had a great time making more memories! Until next time Panama City Beach!
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