I was able to attend his program and even was able to pull Casen out of class so he could watch his brother participate. The program did not disappoint. It was a great tribute to our Veteran's who have served or are serving to protect this great country we live in.
Unfortunately, Camden had a girl with a big hair bow standing right in front of him, which made capturing good pictures a bit difficult. However, once I was able to get up closer I was able to get some of his sweet smile.
During the program, Mrs. Nelson had the veteran's stand during the song that the kids sang that represented the branch of the military they served in. At the end, she had each Veteran there go up to the front of the stage and they each told what branch they served in, how long they served, and who invited them to the program. It was a very touching program and like I previously said, was a great tribute to our Veterans.
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