The past several weeks have been painful in regards to Camden's soccer games. After him having a rough start due to his anxiety, he unfortunately was placed on the lowest 9U team. Talk about a disappointment for not only him, but us since last season he was hand picked for 'the' 9U team. However due to the way they restructured things, they ended up with a lot of 9U boys, some with great ability, and some with no ability. His team has lost miserably and literally only 3 or 4 boys on the team have a clue while the rest can't even kick the ball when it comes to them or you have the whiner/crier who stands in the middle of the field and yells "Kick me the ball!!!" in a whiny voice, however, he has no idea what to do with the ball when he gets it. It is not only frustrating for us as parents, but for Camden too. To go from playing on a team that plays with form and you can pass the ball to other players, to what we have experienced the past two weeks has just been plain unenjoyable. Truthfully, it has caused undue stress in our home.
Thankfully, this week we received an email from Camden's head soccer coach and they have now split 9U into 3 teams. It is painfully obvious that there are a handful of boys that are rather clueless, so they made another team this week and we now have a gold, silver and bronze team. Camden has moved up to the silver team. He has definitely settled in while playing soccer and has been playing hard. Luckily, the coach noticed that. They moved a few of the boys up to the gold, and then some of the boys from the bronze, up to the silver and left the others on the bronze. It made today's game sooooo much more enjoyable. Camden is now playing with his friends and they won! They played with a formation on the field and there was even passing going on (imagine that). For the first time all season, Camden was back playing with a smile on his face. Boy how I have missed that smile!
Camden and Cole G. - love those smiles! |
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