Thursday, July 20, 2017

Casen's Five Year Check Up

Just as we were a little late with Camden's well check this year, the same held true for Casen. But as a said before, better late than never!!! Casen had a great check up - passing his vision and hearing. He weighed in at 51 pounds and was 3' 11.84" (can we just say 4 feet?). He was off the charts for his height and was in the 93rd percentile for weight. They still say his projected height will be 6' 3", but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it is a tad more than that.

While at our visit, I asked Dr. Worrall about Casen being so knock kneed. He told me that so long as it did not impede his running or walking, not to worry. Otherwise, the solution is to break both femurs and cast them to make them straight. Uh, I do believe we are fine just the way they are - chances are he will grow out of it anyway!!!

After having a very successful year of not having any asthma type issues, they removed asthma off of his chart- yay!!! We will just continue to use Zyrtec as needed for his allergy symptoms. Hopefully, our next visit will be for his next well check.

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