Today was a much harder day than I anticipated. I have cried more today (and I mean ugly cry) than I have in a long while. I must of looked like a hot mess when I arrived to school as drop off was quite emotional for me. I have been talking for months about the pay raise we were going to get with Casen going to Kindergarten and have been looking forward to the day of him leaving daycare. However, I did not let my mind wonder to the actual day that I would say good bye to the wonderful ladies who have been a part of my family's life for the past seven years (and for good reason). These three ladies have helped raise my babies and all that they have done for not only my boys, but also me, has not gone unnoticed. Ladies, thank you for every hand you have held, tear you have wiped away, and hug you have given. My children and I are much better people for having you in our lives. You will be greatly missed but never forgotten.

One other project I did for Casen's teachers, with the help of each of his classmates' parents, was I made them books that had a page dedicated to each student with the student's answers to a questionnaire about each teacher. I also included other pictures of all the kiddos through out the year. It was a fun gift and I enjoyed learning things about the teachers I did not know. ; )
I was quite shocked when I compared the first day of school picture to the last day of school picture for Casen. I knew he had gotten taller, but his baby face is slowly but surely leaving him (sniff sniff).
So, goodbye daycare - hello Kindergarten. We are ready for this next step in Casen's journey through this crazy thing we call life.

Ms. Karen, Mrs. Kathy and Ms. Caroline |
Since both Camden and Casen had Ms. Caroline, Ms. Karen and Mrs. Kathy, I wanted to do something special for them that was from both of the boys. After perusing Pinterest, I found something I thought we could adapt to our needs. Each of them colored a heart for each teacher and then we placed them in a frame with a nice quote. It was something from the heart and they each took their time and colored the heart particularly for each teacher. I hope they know they will always have a piece of our heart and we will forever remember them!
One other project I did for Casen's teachers, with the help of each of his classmates' parents, was I made them books that had a page dedicated to each student with the student's answers to a questionnaire about each teacher. I also included other pictures of all the kiddos through out the year. It was a fun gift and I enjoyed learning things about the teachers I did not know. ; )
I was quite shocked when I compared the first day of school picture to the last day of school picture for Casen. I knew he had gotten taller, but his baby face is slowly but surely leaving him (sniff sniff).
So, goodbye daycare - hello Kindergarten. We are ready for this next step in Casen's journey through this crazy thing we call life.
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