The years are flying by, and as of today, I now have a seven year old. It truly is hard to grasp how fast the years just tick away. I am amazed daily at the boy he is becoming - he makes this momma proud!
Yesterday, I went during Camden's lunch at school and surprised him by having lunch with him and bringing cupcakes for his class. He asks occasionally for me to come and eat with him, but as a working mom, that is not an easy task. Luckily, since I have a great principal at my school who believes in putting family first, she had no problem me leaving for a bit to celebrate Camden.
Today, after Camden's basketball game (which by the way he played awesome) we got ourselves together and headed to Urban Air Trampoline Park for his party.
Casen and Gavin |
Dodgeball was a favorite |
Casen, Camden, Cole, Tyce, Lucas and Kaylee |
Malachi, Casen and Gavin |
One happy birthday boy! |
This week, prior to Camden's party, I worked on his party favors. I don't know why I let this part of his party stress me out the most, but it seems to every time. But, thank the Lord for Pinterest! I recently saw these cute gumball tubes on Pinterest and since Camden loves gum, I figured they would be an easy fun thing.
And, since the majority of his friends all play sports, he like the idea of giving them their own personalized water bottles.
I must say, these party favors are probably my most favorite to date. I think it will be hard to beat these!
Once we got home, my sister and her boys came over and Camden opened his gifts from friends and a family.
He was so excited to get the Vivofit he has been wanting. |
Camden, along with Melissa's help, read every
card that was given to him. |
Finally, a bigger bike. |
Casen, Mason, Camden and Braden |
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