Today is Camden's 6th Birthday, and as with every year, he could not be any more excited! It was going to be a busy day, since he had school and then basketball practice, so he knew we were going to have to spread out his birthday celebrations.
At the school Camden goes to, the kids are able to bring something to lunch to share with their classmates to celebrate their birthday. Camden wanted a cookie cake with Leonardo on it (imagine that!). I was surprised that he wanted a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme again this year, but according to him, "I just really like them!" So $37.99 later, I got a cookie cake from The Great American Cookie Company for him to take - what happened to those things being like $20??? But since this is a 'non-birthday party year' (per Shane) I figured $37.99 was a deal compared to the hundreds I normally spend on a party! And of course, after seeing it, he was beyond thrilled!

When he got home from school, he was playing with some toys and Shane asked me to look at his tooth that seemed very loose. I looked at it and it indeed seemed very loose, so I told Camden to just twist it. Well, he did just that and the tooth came right out. Honestly, I think that was the best birthday present he could have received. He was so excited that he FINALLY lost a tooth!!!
After basketball practice, we came home and Camden decided he just wanted to open one gift and then he would open another tomorrow, and then another the next day until they were all opened. After he opened his first gift, he decided he wanted to open another, and then another, and then he had two left and decided he would open one of them and Casen could open the other. Guess his original plan went right out the window! Of course, he got more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle stuff,
namely another Leonardo guy (which makes about 6 or so Leonardo's we have) and some Legos - all of his favorites!
And what is more exciting for Camden is that his birthday celebration will continue tomorrow and next weekend when we celebrate with family.
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