Today is Casen's 3rd Birthday and we celebrated Mickey Mouse style! When I asked Casen what kind of party he wanted, he quickly chose Mickey Mouse, just as Camden had at the same age.
One difference between he and Camden though, is that since his 3rd birthday, Camden has always been very particular about what he wants his cake to look like. Casen on the other hand, is not picky. So, I decided that he needed Mickey Mouse ears on top of his cake.
Of course, my mom made the cake as she does each year, thank goodness. I really want to learn how to ice cakes like she does, however I hate to make mistakes, and I do not have a steady hand, so don't feel like I would do that great with it. This year, I did decide to make the 'ears' myself out of fondant so that I could actually contribute to the cake. Can I tell you, it honestly was not as difficult working with fondant as I expected it to be. I was very pleased with the way the cake turned out, as was the birthday boy! I think Mom and I make a pretty good team!!!
All of our immediate family, minus Mason who was at camp, were at the party. After all the boys played, Casen opened presents, and then we enjoyed hamburgers.
Shawn, Melissa and Braden |
Grandpa Key and Camden |
Poppa Ron and Casen |
Grandpa Key and Casen |
Shanelle, Nana and Camden |
Casen received several 'big trucks' for his birthday, which he is loving right now. One of his favorite gifts was a big green garbage truck. I hope that is not a sign of things to come. . . . : )
We then sang Happy Birthday to Casen, although he did NOT want candles, so there were no blowing out of the candles. We also enjoyed homemade ice cream that my parents prepared which was absolutely delicious.
Licking the bowl clean. |
We had a great day celebrating Casen's birthday with our family!
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