Today Casen had his two year check up and he is doing very well. He weighed 29 pounds 13.4 ounces and his height was 36 inches. According to the charts, that puts him in the 72% for weight and 92% for height. He received one immunization while we were there as well. He was tested on multiple things to make sure he is doing exactly what he should be for his age and he is doing everything he should be, plus some. At this age, he should be using two to three word sentences, and Casen uses a lot of four and five word sentences. He might end up being a little chatty like his momma! I did ask Dr. Worrall about him sucking on his two fingers and he said the best thing to cure that will be when he is in Kindergarten or first grade and his peers start making fun of him. Seriously!!!!!!! You are telling me I have to wait until then???? Oh, you know we will be working on it well before then!
While we were there, the doctor checked his ear to make sure the ear infection cleared up and also made sure his lungs sounded good, which both checked out well. He recommended that since Casen's wheezing comes on very quickly, basically with no warning, that we should keep him on his maintenance inhaler daily, not just during peak allergy season. Casen still receives Miralax daily for constipation, however over spring break I quit giving him his reflux medicine and he has done fine. I do still hear his reflux (liquid coming up and then him swallowing it) but it does not seem to be bothering him as it did before.
I am still in awe that I have a four year old and a two year old. Time is going by so fast. Before you know it, we should not have any diapers in this house . . . . . . ahhh, a girl can dream, right?????
Casen showing off where he received his shot |
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