Aside from Shane making a quick trip to Alabama for his grandmother's funeral, we have not been back to Alabama or Georgia since we moved from there three and a half years ago. So to say the least, we were way overdue going back to visit friends and family. We left early on 12/26/13 and drove over 9 hours to Birmingham, Alabama.
Crossing into Louisiana |
Casen being silly |
Next stop Mississippi |
Finally, nap time |
Thank goodness, finally Alabama!
We stayed and Many and Ronald's house, which they spoiled us, constantly cooking and entertaining the boys. It was really great being able to hang out and just enjoy one another's company.
The next day, which was Friday, we had no plans so Shane had Jason, his friend who he went to school with at Alabama and still keeps in contact with weekly, come over to Manya's so they could go have some lunch and catch up. It was really good seeing him and getting harassed about when we are moving back to Alabama - which by the way is no time soon!!! While Shane went out to eat with Jason and his girlfriend, Manya, myself and the boys headed to the Waffle House for patty melts. YUMMY!!!!! I do believe the last time I went to the Waffle House was when I was pregnant with Camden and Manya and I went while Ronald and Shane went to an Alabama football game. So a first for my boys!!!
Later that evening we headed to Odenville to Shane's grandparents house so we could visit with some of the family. It was also Pop Pop and Nadine's wedding anniversary, so we celebrated that as well.
Pop Pop and Nadine |
Do I look intelligent? |
Manya loving on Casen |
Every morning Manya made us breakfast, while Casen played with all sorts of fun stuff in her kitchen. She did great dodging all the obstacles while cooking up a great meal.
On Saturday, we headed over to Shane's aunt and uncle's house, Harold and Carol, where we celebrated Christmas with all of his family. It was good food, even better company and then dirty Santa. We had fun, and I was thrilled because I ended up with the gift I brought. Camden was upset because the gift he picked for his dad had all sorts of good candy, but then it got stolen, hence him all upset in tears.
Casen mimicking one of his distant cousins |
Pop Pop,the hat is a little to small for your head |
Shane's family is full of fun and crazy folks and we always have a great time when we get together. I was glad we got to spend some time with them all and celebrate their Barnett Christmas with them.
Fist pumps with Austin |
Manya is 'Happy Happy Happy' |
We see you . . . . |
On Sunday we headed to Tuscaloosa to spend the day. We attended church where we went when we lived there and then we had lunch with one of my good friends and her family.
Lunch with Sarah and her family |
After lunch, we took the boys to the University of Alabama campus so they could see where their Daddy went to school.
Camden and Bear Bryant |
Camden with Nick Saban |
Casen in front of the stadium |
Shane and the boys |
Just as a flashback, the last time we took a picture in front of the stadium, I was 6 months pregnant with Camden. Amazing to see where 4 years has brought us.
Shane and me 11/28/09 |
Camden in front of our brick |
On Monday morning it was time for us to say goodbye to Ronald and Manya and head to Georgia to visit the Hood side of the family. It was definitely sad to say goodbye to them since they spoiled us all while we were there, but we hope they will be visiting us in Texas very soon!
Manya with the boys |
It was very cold while we were in Georgia, however the boys found some sunshine so that they could go outside and play.
Shane and Camden kicking the soccer ball |
Casen riding on Granny's walker |
Camden's red face after being outside |
Unfortunately there was a lot of sickness going around while we were there. Casen and I had a cold that we each had been battling for several weeks. Poppa Ron had a sore throat and on New Year's day, Nana woke up in the middle of the night with a stomach virus.
Casen getting some of Granddad's loving |
Poppa Ron throwing the ball with the boys |
Traditionally on New Year's day, Shane's grandparents have the whole Hood clan over for a New Year's meal and to celebrate Christmas. It was a fun time getting together with everyone and seeing how much the kids have grown since the last time we saw them.
Casen opening his gift |
Camden playing with a Monster High doll |
Granny and the boys putting together a puzzle |
Granny playing with Casen |
Granny watching Camden play his Nintendo DS |
Some sweet lovins with Granny |
I love how comfy Casen is propped up on Camden |
On Friday it was time for our fourteen and a half hour drive back to Texas, but first I had to get a picture of the boys with Granny and Granddad.
We really enjoyed our time in Alabama and Georgia, and honestly the most dreaded part for us, the long car ride with two little ones, was not bad at all. The boys probably only took and hour nap both going and coming, however they did really good keeping themselves occupied either playing with their video games, watching movies, or 'reading' books. We appreciate everyone who made us feel so welcome in their homes and hope you enjoyed us being there as much as we enjoyed being there. Hopefully it will not be another 3 1/2 years before we visit again.
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