I have been waiting for this day since I knew I was having a boy. My nephews have played soccer since they were about Camden's age and I have loved watching them. Shane and I knew Camden would play and I couldn't wait. So, honestly, I think I was as excited as Camden. I will back up to Tuesday, when Camden had his first practice. He was so excited, however when we got to practice his shy side came out and he really did not participate in the warm up exercises. After Shane talked with him a minute and assured him, he was in the swing of things.
Feeling a little shy |
Practice was fun and Camden was so excited. He made friends with the coaches' son and even stayed after practice to play soccer with him. They received their uniforms, which was hilarious because the shorts are waaaayyy to big and the shirt is a youth S, so obviously hangs off of him. We were a tad late, so he was able to choose between being number 0, 3 or 11. He choose 11 - good choice I think!

So today was the big day. Nana and Poppa Ron came to watch. It was going to be so exciting, I just knew it. Camden has practiced for years -okay, maybe only a few years since he is only 3 but needless to say he has played soccer many, many times with his daddy. I knew he was going to be the one that would just get the ball and head to the goal because he is an aggressive little guy when he is playing at home. Well, needless to say, what I had envisioned was soooooo not the case. There are 10 kids on his team and they play four quarters, so doing the math, we knew he would play 2 quarters. Well he got to start the first quarter - how exciting!!! The ball is placed in the middle of the field, the whistle blows, the other team gets the ball, I am already screaming at Camden to get the ball. What do I see??? My child running with his friends, chasing his friends, laughing, having a good time, but he never once laid eyes on the ball. Hello??? Camden - do you know why we play soccer? At every break Shane had a talk with him trying to explain the whole concept (yet again).
One of many pep talks |
Sometimes he would see the ball and kick it, but chasing his friends was so much more fun! Now I must say this was better than some of his team mates who would not even get out and play, or if they did they would just sit there on the field and cry. And I should say in his defense, at their practice they did not even practice 5 on 5 for the kiddos to see what it would look like when they actually played a game.

So to say the least, Camden pretty much played every quarter due to some of his team mates not wanting to participate. By the fourth quarter after much side line coaching from his daddy he made a goal, which of course I did not get on camera or video and then he made another goal, however it was in the opponent's goal - OOPS, but I did capture that on camera! The other team had a little guy who pretty much got the ball every possession and headed towards their goal, so even though I knew in my little head I was going to keep score (even though we are not supposed to keep score) I couldn't keep up with it! Oh well, probably for the best.
My #11 scoring in the opponent's goal |
Shane and Casen enjoying the game |
So what did I learn from this first game? I am THAT mom who sits on the side line and yells to their child what to do - basically I am my sister! Second, Shane is the far more patient one, the one who reminds me that my child is 3 and it will take time. Third, Camden is a great sport! He never once was upset that they lost or that his team didn't score much. (Perhaps that is because he didn't have a clue what was going on?) Basically, he just had fun! But really, isn't that why we are doing this??? Yes, it is - regardless of how competitive I am, it doesn't really matter, just so long has Camden has fun. So perhaps the next game I will close my mouth, sit back and enjoy watching Camden have a great time, regardless.
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