Today Casen had his one year well check and Shane was the lucky one who got to take him due to me working summer school right now. According to Shane, he did fine, except for when he had to lay him on the table to get his height as well as get his shots. But luckily, the second you pick him up he quits crying. He weighed in at 21 pounds 15 ounces (which is 33rd percentile for weight) and is 31.5 inches long (which is 90th percentile for height). He received four immunizations as well as a finger prick to check his CBC and lead levels.
His four little bandaids - he took off the bandaid on his finger |
As far as an update on his progression:
- He does not crawl, just scoots, however he can scoot as fast as he wants to get somewhere.
His bruised ankles from the way he crawls |
- He goes to bed between 7:00pm and 7:30 pm and that is per his choice. He will let you know my getting a little fussy and then if you ask him if he is ready to go 'nite nite' he will start waving and blowing kisses. He generally sleeps 12 hours and then takes 2 naps a day that can range between 45 minutes and an hour and a half. I finally ditched his sleep slack a few months ago, so he just spreads out nicely in his bed.
- When he naps, he sleeps on his stomach, and at night he prefers to be on his back.
- He loves his milk cold, and likes to drink it the minute he gets up from his nap drinking about 24 ounces a day.
- He still takes medicine for his reflux - Prilosec 15mg/ml - 2 ml twice a day.
- He still take Miralax daily for constipation.
- He has 6 teeth.
- He definitely is a snacker, enjoying gold fish, Cheerios and yogurt as some of his snacks. He used to be a better eater, but now has seemed to become a bit picky when it comes to supper items. For breakfast he likes pancakes and sausage, or blue berry muffins and for lunch either a peanut butter or ham and cheese sandwich along with little cheetah type puff chips. He is really hit or miss for supper and generally eats his fruits and vegetables by way of the squeeze pouches because he always spits out 'real' fruit and vegetables. (I hope that changes soon!)
- He can say momma, dadda, book, balloon (ba-oon), done, Zach, and dog. Everything else gets pointed at with the word 'dit '.
- He is very strong willed (I guess he gets that honestly from his parents).
- He enjoys playing with his brother's Hot Wheels and looking at books. He will play on his own for an extended period of time but then after awhile just wants to sit on your lap and suck on the two middle fingers on his right hand.
- We still have been unable to identify his dominant hand due to the darn sucking of those fingers. If he is sucking on them he uses his left hand and if he has a drink he holds it in his right hand also, so will do everything with his left hand.
- He wears size 3 diapers. (That whole thing cracks me up because when I look back to Camden's one year he was wearing size 4 diapers, and gosh knows he was smaller than Casen. Can you say eager mother???? But what was I thinking, you pay the same amount for larger diapers and receive less in a pack so now I try to hold off on increasing the size as long as possible!)
- He wears 18 month shirts and 12 to 18 month shorts. Honestly, it won't be long until he is in 24 month shirts due to his little buddah belly!
- He wears size 4 shoes.
- He is a happy little guy and is either talking or laughing the majority of the time.

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