As you are know, I am not really a theme person, so searching for something different from the normal 'blue' type themes for Casen's birthday was not an easy task. Casen has not seemed to pick a favorite color yet so that left the picking up to me! One of my friends sent me several different blogs with different ideas and one of them had the color orange (my favorite) in it and so I went with it and was pleased with the end result. (I stole the idea for the invitation as well as the garland and photo timeline I made from the blog.) I am so grateful for those crafty people, because that is sooooo not my forte!
I made the circle garland from scrapbook paper which I sewed together on my sewing machine and I also made the photo timeline for the fireplace that showed pictures of Casen from each month of his life.
Photo Timeline |
As she has done for Camden, my mother made Casen's cake and I must say I just loved it! She and Dad arrived at our house yesterday and mom brought all of her equipment to ice the cake. Thank goodness mom 'gets me' and doesn't mine all the little nit picking I can do! She did an awesome job and not only did it look good, it tasted great too! Simple, yet fun looking! She also made Casen an individual cake for him to have fun with.

Mom and I started the morning heading to get his balloons while leaving Shane and Grandpa Key with the boys so Casen could get a nap before his guests arrived - which he had a good nap and woke up right after the final guests arrived. We then returned and set up everything for his party. He was fortunate to have a lot of his family members attend. Of course Grandma and Grandpa Key were here as well as Melissa, Shawn, Mason and Braden. Then Nana and Poppa Ron arrived with Granny and Granddad Hood from Georgia. We were so excited to see them since they had not yet ever met Casen! Then Kelsey, Shanelle, Gavin and Malachi arrived so we were ready to party!
Casen with Braden and Mason |
Casen with Granny and Granddad |
Melissa and Casen |
Casen and Nana
It was lunch time so we started with the food. We had chicken salad sandwiches and hot dogs for those that were not chicken salad fans, which was more than I had estimated - oops! So Casen ate a ham and cheese sandwich instead of a hot dog so there would be plenty for his guests - doesn't he have great manners!?! ; )

We sat around and socialized and bit and then it was time for the cake! We all sang happy birthday to Casen (which he was not sure what to think) and then Camden blew out Casen's candle for him. . I then gave him his cake and he tried a little icing and then after realizing just how tasty it was, he just kept eating the icing. He finally made his way to the actual cake part and seemed to really enjoy it too! After he made a mess, I cleaned him up some and then fed him some cake and ice cream. He did not seem to sure about the ice cream since it seemed to give him a brain freeze so he did not seem to want that (since he loved the icing and didn't care for the ice cream, I am beginning to wonder if he really is my child . . .)
Camden being a big helper by blowing out the candle |
"How do I go about this?" |
"Let me try this and see what it tastes like." |
Yummmm! |
The end result - he loved the icing! |
Casen then helped me open his presents. He was excited to receive some new toys, a pool for the backyard, water toys, clothes and money.
He had a great time visiting with the family and playing with his new toys. Here are more pictures from the party.
Me and my 1 year old |
Enjoying his ham and cheese |
Camden and Gavin enjoying cake |
Shawn and Melissa helping Grandma Key serve cake and ice cream |
And one last piece of exciting new for his special day, today was the last time he had formula in his sippy cup. He would have been completely off of it earlier in the week since he has been tolerating it like a champ, but due to his illness, I was leary to rush things. So, bye bye Similac! We have moved up to whole milk! (Yea!!! Another pay raise for us!)
Casen seemed to have a great time, as did we. Thank you to everyone who came and shared his special day with us.