Today was Mother's Day and I don't think I could have asked for a better day. We woke up this morning and Shane went and picked us up breakfast before we went to church. Camden wanted me to open the gifts that they made for me at school, which I loved! In the pink package was bath salts which he made and then the flower picture is made out of his fingerprints and the paper with the colored car on it says 'My Mommy is special because she puts me in the car.' Don't you just love how the little things in your child's life make you special! I can only pray that he always thinks like that! The potted plant is from Casen, which his little fingers painted the pot. I love my gifts. Shane and the boys also gave me a book entitled 'The Story' which is a book that puts the bible more in story form.

After breakfast and gifts, we then went to church and after church we went out to eat. Once we got home, the boys went down for their naps at the same time and both had about and hour and a half nap (which it doesn't seem to happen often that they nap at the same time). While they napped, I took at 30 minute nap (which I am NOT a napper) and then when they woke up from their nap I took them to the park for awhile.
It was a great day and I enjoyed the day being a mom, spending time with the boys, and getting a little spoiled!
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