Ten months have come and gone, and Casen is just a joy. He has now been sitting half of his life and has shown no interest in crawling what so ever! He will stand for a short time, but that does not seem to excite him either.
What is it with my boys taking their home sweet time to do anything?

Well just in time to celebrate his 10 months, Casen has started doing some new things this week. He now waves hello and goodbye, says 'Uh-oh' when he drops something and when you tell him no to something, he shakes his head 'No'. He is so proud of himself when he does each of these new things, which just makes me laugh. He is now wearing size 3 diapers and mainly 12 month clothes, but some 12 to 18 month shirts. He is eating me out of house and home - which absolutely boggles my mind. He is eating three meals a day with two snacks and then drinks between 7 to 8 ounces of formula four times a day. I have not found a thing he does not like as of yet - which makes me one happy momma! He is still a momma's boy and more times than not when I am in the room and now where near him, he gets upset and starts crying. I know I should absolutely adore that - which I do, however it makes it very difficult to do things around the house since he wants all of my attention all of the time. Needless to say, Camden is a great entertainer and helps me by distracting him and playing with him so that I can do odds and ends around the house.
I love many things about Casen, however one thing that people say all the time about him is what a happy baby he is. I love that!! Everyone wants a happy baby and I love that people see that in him. During the week since we are with him only a few hours before he goes to bed at 7:00 (which is his choice, not ours), sometimes the happy, joyous side of him can be short lived since he is tired. I am glad that he is that happy baby for others at school and at church - it makes him just that much easier to love!
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