I had bought a Groupon months ago, before Casen was even born, for Studio One to One. I figured it would be a quick and easy way to have pictures taken of the boys together with Casen in his infancy stage. It was due to expire on Wednesday, so we headed to have their pictures taken today. It was good timing because Casen is 12 weeks and Camden is 2 1/2. Well, let me just say that Camden did an AWESOME job! His pictures turned out great. Casen did good, however he was not in the smiling mood - probably because the photographer was a bit creepy. The pictures of the two together were not the best, because Camden kept laughing hysterically while he was holding Casen, so while he has a great smile, Casen has the look like 'What the heck are you doing to me?' Regardless, I am glad we had them taken. When they come in, I will be sure and show them off!
While we were at the mall, Camden and I took a little ride on the carousel. Camden loved it!

As for updates of my two precious boys, Camden is loving school and doing great! He STILL is not potty trained, but does much better about using the big boy potty at school than at home. When we do his letter flash cards he can easily identify all the letters except for Y and sometimes W. I am so proud of him for being able to identify them all. He does pretty good with identifying his numbers as well. He loves to 'help' me in the kitchen by washing bottles, throwing away trash when I am cooking, and other odds and ends. I tell you if he didn't have his step stool, I don't know what he would do! He carries that thing anywhere and everywhere in the house to be able to 'help'. Love him!!! He is having melt downs in the evenings though, I just think he still has not gotten back into the swing of things with school starting back. He and Shane went and got haircuts this weekend and he looks like such a big boy. With his crazy 8 cowlick, we had it cut even shorter, and personally, I think it is cute (still a bit unruly, but cute)!!! If you look at the picture above, you can see proof of the crazy 8.

Casen is starting to wear 6 months clothes, which amazes me. Camden was always in the same size clothes as his age. When I pulled out the 6 months clothes the other day, I just about broke down. It seems Camden was just wearing these same clothes - yet another reminder of just how fast they grow and how I should cherish each and every day with them! Casen is very interested in his hands and his teachers say he is great at daycare. In the evenings he is a bit fussy and likes to have the attention focused right on him - which is a bit difficult since that is when we are getting everything, including kids, for the next day. I asked Ms. Caroline if he was needy at school and she says he is not - guess he has his momma wrapped around his little finger! Oh well, the are only little once! He is eating between 4 and 5 ounces every 3 or so hours at daycare and feeds for about 15 minutes every 3 hours or so until 10:00 or 10:30 pm when he goes to sleep and doesn't awaken until 6:00 am. Once again, we are so very blessed with a good sleeper!!!

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