I have been craving chocolate chip cookies, but due to Casen's dairy intolerance, have been unable to eat any store bought cookies. So, as any chocolate craving mother would do, I decided to bake my own dairy free cookies. Now of course, every good chef needs a sous chef. So, I called on my sweet angel, Camden, to fill the job. I will admit, up until this time I have never really given him the opportunity to help me in the kitchen, unless it is throwing things away or other menial tasks. But today, since we were on no time schedule, I decided he needed to get right in the middle of it all - and he loved it! The only part he did not like was when I turned on the mixer. As with most loud, obnoxious things that seemed to scare him. Otherwise, he was a great pick of a sous chef!
He of course had to try out the cookie dough |
Can you tell which cookies he put on the cookie sheet? |
While waiting for our cookies to bake, we worked on our 'letters', which we have been doing for several weeks now. He has letter flash cards that are helping him identify what his letters look like and he is doing great. He can identify at least half, if not more, of the alphabet, but my all time favorite letter that he can identify is the letter 'M'. Reason being is he always, with out fail, calls it 'Mim' - makes me smile every time!
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