Thursday, August 30, 2012
Made You Laugh
I know I have commented numerous times about how much Camden loves Casen and how much that thrills me. Well it seems as though the feeling is mutual. Last Wednesday while we were eating supper I was holding Casen in my lap and Camden started talking to him and Casen just started laughing! Shane and I started laughing ourselves because it was the first time we have heard him laugh! Since that time, he has laughed two other times and they were both when Camden was smiling and talking to him! It of course thrilled Camden that he made Casen laugh!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
The Tripod
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Just Like His Brother
As you may recall, Camden had (and still has tendancies to be) constipation issues as an infant. He was on Miralax for almost the first two years of his life. Now with the help of Motts For Tots apple juice as well as grapes, we can keep him pretty regular. Well, Casen has decided to fall in his footsteps, only I believe he is trying to out do Camden by starting at a younger age. He has always been my little pooping machine until last week. He started to decrease the amount of times he would dirty a diaper to maybe twice a day which I thought was a nice change. Then mid week last week he went two days without pooping at all. I was a little worried because he was extremely gassy. Finally, he made up for his two days and dirtied 3 diapers within a few hours at school. All was well for a few days and then on Sunday I noticed, no dirty diaper. This went on every day until I finally decided to call the pediatrician, even though the internet said it is okay for breast fed babies to go over a week without a bowel movement. Personally, between the rotten egg gas smell that he had coming from him every time he moved as well as the fact that the was putting down almost 5 ounces of milk at each feeding, I knew he needed to get rid of his poop. After informing the nurse about what was going on, she spoke with his pediatrician who said to mix 1 ounce of prune juice in 2 ounces of breast milk. If he did not poop with in 4 to 5 hours, I was to give him 1/2 of a glycerin suppository. Before giving him his prune juice, he did have a dirty diaper, but I did not care for the thick consistency and it was not what I would consider an adequate amount. So at 7:00 pm he sucked down his prune juice concoction and did not have a bowel movement before he went to bed, so I decided he could receive the suppository today if needed. I had to run to school to finish up a few things in the clinic and while I was there I received the text from Shane stating he finally emptied his gut!!! Thank goodness!!!! I tell you what, between Camden and Casen, I never knew I would be so focused on bowel movements! By the time I don't have to worry about their bowel habits anymore, I will be old and focused on my own - such a vicious cycle!
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My happy little guy! |
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Time to Roll
They boys had a great first week of school and they both seemed to have settled in nicely. I am still trying to figure out how much milk to put in Casen's bottles! I started out sending 4 ounces in each of his bottles. The first day he did not very good at all, but then on the Tuesday he finished off each of his bottles. So on Wednesday I sent his bottles with 4 1/5 ounces in them, and after he finished each of those off I sent 5 ounces in each on Wednesday. And of course then, he left some in each bottle. So back I went to 4 1/2 ounces and that has seemed like the right amount! Camden was excited to see me each day I went to pick him up from school, however he really enjoyed playing with his friends and was never overly ready to come home.
Today I had to work at school because it was the day students came to pick up their schedules. And, wouldn't you know, while I was there I received a text from Shane that Casen rolled over! Seriously?!?!? The one Saturday I have to work and that is the day Casen chose to roll over for the first time. The great thing about it was, Shane caught it on video. He was down on the floor taking a picture of Casen because he was holding his head up so well while doing tummy time on the mat, and next thing you know he just rolled over. Shane said he did it three times. Luckily, when I got home and put him on the mat, he rolled over for me! I can't believe how fast he is growing!
Today I had to work at school because it was the day students came to pick up their schedules. And, wouldn't you know, while I was there I received a text from Shane that Casen rolled over! Seriously?!?!? The one Saturday I have to work and that is the day Casen chose to roll over for the first time. The great thing about it was, Shane caught it on video. He was down on the floor taking a picture of Casen because he was holding his head up so well while doing tummy time on the mat, and next thing you know he just rolled over. Shane said he did it three times. Luckily, when I got home and put him on the mat, he rolled over for me! I can't believe how fast he is growing!
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About to roll to his left side |
Casen loves to coo and 'talk' to us. He has some very expressive faces while he is talking and carrying on.
Love that sweet smile! |
So serious! |
Monday, August 13, 2012
A Bit of a Struggle
Today Shane and I had to return to work, which meant the boys had to head to daycare (or school as we like to call it). Camden was so excited that he was going to see his friends and woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to head out the door. Casen on the other hand had no idea what was coming his direction, but woke up when I was getting him dressed and smiled and cooed at me, which helped the situation.
Even though Camden was excited at home, I was a bit concerned that it would be a different story once we arrived to school. However, he proved me wrong, thank goodness. He was excited to see all of his past teachers, current teacher, Ms. Dona, as well as his friends and immediately sat down with Nina and started eating breakfast. He did pause to give me hugs and kisses before I headed into Casen's room to get him situated.
Casen and I then headed into his room where Ms. Ellen (who also took care of Camden when he was an infant) greeted us and listened as I gave her the run down of Casen's eating and sleeping patterns. Ms. Ellen has one of the sweetest souls and always makes me feel comfortable with everything. I loved on him and got him situated and finally left and headed to my school to work on my office. I must say, it was much more difficult dropping Casen off then it was Camden due to the age difference. Camden was 7 months old when he started daycare unlike Casen who is a little baby (well maybe not so little).
When it was time to pick the boys up, I headed to Casen's room first where I found Ms. Caroline holding Casen on her lap while he was just a cooing and smiling at her as she was talking to him. Love her!!!!! What a relief to know that she, along with Ms. Ellen, is taking care of my sweet baby boy. Casen apparently spent the day trying to get used to his surrounding and slept a total of only 2 hours the whole day and did not eat worth a darn! Casen and I then headed to Camden's room to pick him up, and he did not want to go home. He wanted to stay and play! That made me feel good - the fact that he loves school so much that he did not want to come home! He showed me the sticker he received for helping clean up and Ms. Dona complimented him on what a great helper he was all day. Love that!!!
Ready for their first day of school |
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Casen ready for his first day! |
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Camden eating breakfast with Nina |
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Camden playing in his classroom |
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Casen having some mat time at school |
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Sunday Funday
Since tomorrow we start back to school and try to get back into our normal routine, Shane thought Camden needed a little fun. When asked if he would rather go swim in the pool, or play with his inflatable water sprinklers, he chose the sprinklers! I love that because I can always get a few good pictures of him having such a great time.
While Camden was outside have a good time, Casen was inside doing what he does best, sleep!
Since Casen has been doing really well holding his head up on his own, I figured it was time we could go ahead and try the Bumbo. He seemed to like it and looked like such a big boy sitting up in it.
While Camden was outside have a good time, Casen was inside doing what he does best, sleep!
Since Casen has been doing really well holding his head up on his own, I figured it was time we could go ahead and try the Bumbo. He seemed to like it and looked like such a big boy sitting up in it.
Camden is always watching out for his little brother! |
Saturday, August 11, 2012
My Sous Chef
I have been craving chocolate chip cookies, but due to Casen's dairy intolerance, have been unable to eat any store bought cookies. So, as any chocolate craving mother would do, I decided to bake my own dairy free cookies. Now of course, every good chef needs a sous chef. So, I called on my sweet angel, Camden, to fill the job. I will admit, up until this time I have never really given him the opportunity to help me in the kitchen, unless it is throwing things away or other menial tasks. But today, since we were on no time schedule, I decided he needed to get right in the middle of it all - and he loved it! The only part he did not like was when I turned on the mixer. As with most loud, obnoxious things that seemed to scare him. Otherwise, he was a great pick of a sous chef!
While waiting for our cookies to bake, we worked on our 'letters', which we have been doing for several weeks now. He has letter flash cards that are helping him identify what his letters look like and he is doing great. He can identify at least half, if not more, of the alphabet, but my all time favorite letter that he can identify is the letter 'M'. Reason being is he always, with out fail, calls it 'Mim' - makes me smile every time!
He of course had to try out the cookie dough |
Can you tell which cookies he put on the cookie sheet? |
The Last One
Yesterday as I was changing Casen's diaper I was telling him that he was going to start staying in his bed in his room. Of course he gave me smiles, as he loves to talk and smile while he is getting his diaper change. And then it dawned on me, he is my last one - my last baby. As tears rolled down my face, I thought to myself, this will be the last time I have a little one sleep in a pack-n-play in my bedroom. I no longer will have a baby in my room making small whimpers before falling asleep, stirring around in the middle of the night, and cooing upon awakening. Casen is the last one.
Now don't get me wrong, we are perfectly content having two children, and honestly have no desire for anymore. But it doesn't take away the fact that this realization yesterday made me rather emotional. As a girl, you wait what seems your whole life to have a family, and then in no time flat, it just flies by. People tell me all the time to enjoy this time because your kids grow up so fast and by the time you turn around they have moved out of the house. I always reply that I know and feel like I try to cherish each day, but really, do I? It is times like yesterday, staring at my sweet little Casen, that I realize it is going by way to fast and I need to stop and take in every moment since he is the last one.
So, as did Camden, Casen did awesome sleeping in his own bed last night. It was like he had been sleeping there the whole time. Mommy, on the other hand, did not do so great. It took me forever to fall asleep and I know I heard every little sound he made on the monitor. This transition will get easier for me thanks to how well Casen adjusts to things. I know the changes are harder on me than they are on him, thank goodness.
Now don't get me wrong, we are perfectly content having two children, and honestly have no desire for anymore. But it doesn't take away the fact that this realization yesterday made me rather emotional. As a girl, you wait what seems your whole life to have a family, and then in no time flat, it just flies by. People tell me all the time to enjoy this time because your kids grow up so fast and by the time you turn around they have moved out of the house. I always reply that I know and feel like I try to cherish each day, but really, do I? It is times like yesterday, staring at my sweet little Casen, that I realize it is going by way to fast and I need to stop and take in every moment since he is the last one.
So, as did Camden, Casen did awesome sleeping in his own bed last night. It was like he had been sleeping there the whole time. Mommy, on the other hand, did not do so great. It took me forever to fall asleep and I know I heard every little sound he made on the monitor. This transition will get easier for me thanks to how well Casen adjusts to things. I know the changes are harder on me than they are on him, thank goodness.
Casen just waking up in his crib. |
Thursday, August 9, 2012
9 Weeks
It is so hard to believe that 9 weeks have come and gone. This is my last full week at home with Casen before heading back to work and I am trying to absorb every ounce of it! It seems like all of the sudden he has become very social and is starting to really want to be held and talked to. He is doing a great job of holding his head up on his own and loves to coo and smile. He does the same pouty lip before he cries that Camden did. I love it!! Poor thing - while he is crying I am laughing.
He is eating between every 2 and 3 hours now and generally takes a good long nap during the day, aside from his multiple other cat naps. He sleeps wonderfully at night and lets mommy sleep well too!!! In the mornings he likes to lay in bed for awhile and cat nap off and on before finally waking up really good - reminds me of his daddy!
He absolutely loves Camden and always smiles and enjoys when Camden talks to him and loves on him. Camden is ready for Casen to be able to sit at the dinner table with us and wonders when Casen will be able to play with him. I LOVE that they love one another - I can only pray that they enjoy one another as they grow up.
The pouty lip |
He absolutely loves Camden and always smiles and enjoys when Camden talks to him and loves on him. Camden is ready for Casen to be able to sit at the dinner table with us and wonders when Casen will be able to play with him. I LOVE that they love one another - I can only pray that they enjoy one another as they grow up.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Fun at the Park
This week I am helping out my sister by taking Braden to his soccer practice he has from 8:00 to 9:30 am at Burroughs Park in Tomball. He had practice yesterday, today and Thursday. Yesterday I took Casen with me and Mason and I walked on the nice trails they have at the park. I had decided that today I would take Camden so he could play, but Shane decided we would all go and it was a great family outing! Camden had a great time! He enjoyed walking and running on the trail and played on several of the many playgrounds they have at the park. Casen enjoyed going for walks with mommy and took several catnaps.
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Love that cheesy grin |
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Taking a break |
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Casen enjoying the park too! |
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Just Some Thoughts
I was sitting in front of Casen today while he was swinging and napping just watching him and pondering over the past 8 weeks. I examined every part of his being in awe - amazed that this little creature is mine. A new life never ceases to amaze me. Those little hands, little feet, sweet lips, pot belly, and that perfect little head. I thought about how much he has changed since he was born and how much he will continue to change day by day. Every day I anticipate and wonder what new thing he will do. We have one week left before we head back to work, and that saddens me more than words can say. So I am going to make sure and not take advantage of any time I have with him or Camden this week.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Sleep Like a Baby
I have been apprehensive to talk about Casen's sleep patterns because first, I feel like I may jinx myself and second, I keeping thinking that it is a hoax and will end at anytime. But, since this has gone on since mid July, I feel like I can safely talk about it!
Generally our day starts around 9:00 am after Casen has laid in bed for an hour to an hour and a half stretching, dozing off and on and then cooing and smiling. He eats around 9:25 am and then has a nice morning nap. He is eating about every 2 to 3 hours except during his long nap in the afternoon that sometimes lasts 3 or more hours. He has a few catnaps through out the day and evening and we have our last feeding somewhere between 10:00 pm and 11:00pm. After that it is lights out and I do not hear from him until sometime between 5:00 am and 6:00 am. Can you say blessed???? I can!!! I have been very fortunate with both of my boys being excellent night time sleepers. I will tell you, I figured I was doomed with Casen since Camden slept through the night at a very early age and because he is a better eater than Camden was, but apparently he likes sleep too - thank the Lord!!!!
Now I need to get him sleeping in his bed, which honestly I don't think will be a task, it just consists of me not being lazy and walking up the stairs to take him to his room. Once school starts it will be much easier because right now it is very convenient that he is still in our room when he wakes up between 5:00 and 6:00 am for his feeding. When school starts, I will probably be up around that time, so I won't feel like I am dragging myself upstairs to get him. Also, I didn't put Camden in his bed until he was 9 weeks old, so I can wait until next week to be fair! ; ) Sad to say, he has only been in his bed once so far, which was today because he generally falls asleep while in his swing. I keep thinking I need to be better about taking him upstairs to his bed, but know in a week he will start daycare and they will get him in a routine of taking naps in a crib. Isn't that horrible that I am leaving that to them??? (Sorry Ms. Caroline)
Generally our day starts around 9:00 am after Casen has laid in bed for an hour to an hour and a half stretching, dozing off and on and then cooing and smiling. He eats around 9:25 am and then has a nice morning nap. He is eating about every 2 to 3 hours except during his long nap in the afternoon that sometimes lasts 3 or more hours. He has a few catnaps through out the day and evening and we have our last feeding somewhere between 10:00 pm and 11:00pm. After that it is lights out and I do not hear from him until sometime between 5:00 am and 6:00 am. Can you say blessed???? I can!!! I have been very fortunate with both of my boys being excellent night time sleepers. I will tell you, I figured I was doomed with Casen since Camden slept through the night at a very early age and because he is a better eater than Camden was, but apparently he likes sleep too - thank the Lord!!!!
Now I need to get him sleeping in his bed, which honestly I don't think will be a task, it just consists of me not being lazy and walking up the stairs to take him to his room. Once school starts it will be much easier because right now it is very convenient that he is still in our room when he wakes up between 5:00 and 6:00 am for his feeding. When school starts, I will probably be up around that time, so I won't feel like I am dragging myself upstairs to get him. Also, I didn't put Camden in his bed until he was 9 weeks old, so I can wait until next week to be fair! ; ) Sad to say, he has only been in his bed once so far, which was today because he generally falls asleep while in his swing. I keep thinking I need to be better about taking him upstairs to his bed, but know in a week he will start daycare and they will get him in a routine of taking naps in a crib. Isn't that horrible that I am leaving that to them??? (Sorry Ms. Caroline)
Thursday, August 2, 2012
My Little Golfer
Today Camden and I were playing golf in the living room. He loved hitting the ball, and honestly does a pretty good job at it! I got out my camera to take a picture of him and after I took the first picture, he of course had to come and look at it. After looking at it, he told me he did not like his smile and requested I take another. After doing this three or four times, he finally approved of the final picture I took. I swear he is worse than I am!
"I don't like my smile - take another one." |
"Nope - don't like that one." |
"My mouth is opened!" |
"That is good - I like that one." |
What Casen did while we played golf |
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