So it has been a month since Casen entered into this world! I still can't believe it!!! He has changed so much in the past 4 weeks it is crazy! He is definitely becoming the chunky monkey I was hoping for. I must say I never realized how hard it is to clean between those fat rolls since I have never had to do that before, but I LOVE it!!!! Today he gave me a real smile (which I am still trying to catch on camera) almost as if to say, "We have made it a month, mom!" We also retired our newborn clothes today and entered into the 3 month clothes. I can't believe how fast he is growing!
First time wearing 3 month outfit |
As for his stomach issues, the Colic Calm helped a little, but thing just did not seem right. So on Tuesday I became dairy free. The gas pains and irritability he was experiencing was a reminder of how Camden was prior to me omitting dairy from my diet, so I decided it was time, as much as I did not want to do it! I know, selfish, but it is really hard to forgo a lot of the foods I so dearly love - but in the long run it is definitely worth it. He has been much more pleasant since the diet change, so well worth it! I must say though that I think we are in a growth spurt because during the day he is eating every 2 hours again - ugh! I feel like all I do is nurse sometimes. But, during the night he is still going around 4 hours between his feedings.
He is so worth EVERYTHING!!! |
I recall with Camden being peed on multiple times a day regardless of the tactics I tried to prevent it. With Casen that has not been the case. Instead, I get pooped on multiple times a day with him. Regardless of what I try, the minute I wipe his hiney, it some how stimulates him, and out it comes!!! I know, more than you wanted to know, but something I must remember for when he is older to black mail him with (just kidding)!!!
Yesterday he started tummy time and really does not mind it at all! He would lift his head, and move it from side to side. He even kicked his legs so much he turned a quarter of a turn on his mat.
And I leave you with this picture of Shane when he was 3 weeks old. I can't believe how much Casen looks like his daddy did.
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