I have been extremely blessed with my job at the school I have been at for the past two years. I hear other nurses talking at our monthly health services meetings, and it is nothing but a reminder of what a great group of administrators I work with and for. I have great co-workers and students whom I love.
Well, an opening became available at a middle school about a mile from our home. It is a great school and I know there were many nurses that put there name in the hat for the position when it became available. I thought about it and debated in my little head the pros and cons of applying for the position. I did not plan on leaving my current school this soon, since Camden is only 2 and I had until he was 5 to get closer to home, but I also know that there is no telling what schools will become available when. So, I decided to throw my name in and felt like if it was meant for me to be there, then God would let that happen. Now, luckily, one of Melissa and Shawn's great friends is the band director at that school and also has a great relationship with the principal. (Just a side note, the principal is Ify Ogwumike - mother of the first round draft pick for this years WNBA - Nnemkadi Ogwumike.) Shane emailed him and let him know that I put my name in the hat and if he heard anything regarding the position, we would be grateful if he let us know. Well, he talked to his principal and she told him to have me send her my resume and cover letter, which I did. I heard from her secretary and ended up having an interview with her as well as her administrative team. I felt good about the interview, however middle school is a whole different ball game than elementary school and I definitely would have new things to learn and deal with. I left the interview with her telling me that the next step was to meet some of the teachers because she likes them to feel a part of the process of hiring a nurse. Almost two weeks passed, and I still had not heard from the principal, so I emailed her and apparently the nurse that is currently there had not landed another job, so was having second thoughts. I did not fret and decided whatever was to be would be. Within several days, I received a phone call from the principal herself asking if I would come for a teacher panel interview, which ended up being this past Thursday, and on Friday I received an email to my supervisor that the principal CC'd me on recommending me for the position of school nurse at her school. As of today, I received an email with the official transfer information. That being said, I guess I will be leaving the pre-kindergartners through 5th graders for 6th through 8th graders. I must say I am excited about being around older students, however it will be a whole new set of problems than what I deal with now.
I keep asking myself what I was thinking - new baby and new job, but I figure if it was not meant to be, God would not have allowed this to happen. I am so excited about being so close to home and actually working in the community in which I live. All of the people I have currently met at the school have been very nice and welcoming and I feel like I can easily have a great working relationship with them. I feel like I will have more time at home with my kiddos since school starts earlier and look forward to that as well. I am sad to leave my Horne family and dread telling them as well as my students that I am very close with. But like I said, this is a better move for my family - which is what matters the most.
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