Today was my five month appointment with my OBGYN and I was so apprehensive to go. Why, might you ask. Well if you recall at my last appointment I could not remember what my starting weight was so I had no idea was so I was unsure as to if I had gained a total of 5 or 7 pounds. Well, it was more than obvious that I have 'blossomed' over the past month, so I was scared to see what my weight gain not only for the month but for the entire pregnancy was. Well, let me say, it was NOT pretty. Seems as though at the last appointment I had only gained 5 pounds, but over the past month I have gained - are you ready for this???? - 7 pounds!!!! In case you are not a math person, that is 12 pounds total. I think what makes it worse is that I have heard my doctor tell me on more than one occasion (including today) that it is much harder to lose the weight after the second child. And. as you may recall, she really only wants me to gain 25 pounds, which leaves me 13 in the greatest weight gaining months of my pregnancy! So, perhaps I should cut back on some of the bad things I am eating and find some better things to eat and finally get my butt off the couch and start exercising! I will let you know how all of that goes. I will tell you at this time in my pregnancy with Camden I had only gained 10 pounds and my doctor in Alabama was recommending I gain between 25 and 35 pounds, so I had a little more room to grow.
20 Weeks |
But enough about me and my weight, lets get to the baby. His heart rate was 147 bpm and he was measuring perfect! We once again discussed the due date since his measurements showed him to be due a bit sooner than the first ultrasound, and we decided we would stick to the original due date of June 9th. My next appointment will be the time to schedule the glucose test to test for gestational diabetes and she will also be doing the follow up on my thyroid as well as vitamin D levels.
And I will leave with a comment my doctor made to me which I found humourous, yet true. She said, " I just want to remind you that the next 8 weeks are probably the best time in your pregnancy. You will be feeling your best and then, it is all up hill from there!" She said that if someone had told her that this was the best time in her pregnancy she would have taken every ounce of it in because she was not one of those people that LOVED being pregnant. I can definitely relate to that! It is not that I dislike pregnancy, but I don't feel overly fabulous pregnant. I remember my sister absolutely LOVED being pregnant and I think would have done it again and again had she had the opportunity. I just can't seem to relate to that.
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