As I had mentioned in a previous post, Camden has been battling different ailments for the past few weeks. It first started with a stomach virus that caused him to only vomit once, but then it significantly decreased his appetite for 2 weeks. Just as we got over that, he started with a bad cough that had some wheezing involved. This time last year he also got e bad cough and was given medication for us to administer him breathing treatments. At that time they gave us several refills on the medication with instructions to use it as needed. So at the beginning of the last week, I started giving him nebulizer treatments of Pulmicort and Albuterol. On Sunday, we ran out of Pulmicort, so I called in the refill to the pharmacy and went to pick it up. I was told that with our new insurance it would cost $389. Yes, you read that right - $389! To say the least I was in shock since previously I paid less than $30 with our old generic and the fact that it is generic. I decided not to pick up the medication, and decided if he sounded bad on Monday I would make him a doctor's appointment. When I picked him up from school on Monday he was wheezing and I gave him a breathing treatment prior to going trick-or-treating. So Tuesday morning I called and made the appointment for that afternoon. She too was surprised at the price of the Pulmicort and said that instead we could use a Flovent inhaler for him. Well, it was $106, but at least it was a third of the price. And don't you know, when I picked him up from school to take him to his appointment, he sounded 100% better. Had I waited one more day, we would have avoided that appointment. But on the bright side, we needed to figure out an alternative to the expensive medication for any future cough/wheezing he may experience and that we accomplished.
Today I received a call around 10:00 that they though Camden had pink eye. Now, when I was feeding him breakfast, I noticed his left eye to be a little red/irritated looking, but he had no drainage, discharge or tearing. So, of course, off to school we went. I tell you, when I picked him up at 10:30, he had yellow discharge coming out of his eye. Amazing what 3 hours can do! So, off to the doctor we went again and sure enough he was diagnosed with conjunctivitis and was prescribed Vigamox eye drops.
Camden's first case of pink eye
I am thinking we have pretty much had enough illness the past several weeks to hold us over awhile! On a side note, at his appointment he weighed 27 pounds 5 ounces. My baby boy is getting heavy!!!
Wow! Such a hard few weeks! Prayers for you guys!