Today, as I was looking up something on the computer, I heard Camden saying 'heart, heart'. Since my back was to him, I wasn't sure what exactly he was trying to say, but when I turned around, sure enough what I was hearing was exactly correct - heart!!! He was holding a candle that had a heart on top of it and he acknowledged that it was a heart!!! The other shape that he recently started identifying was the oval. An odd one I thought, but still yet he knows what it is. He has been able to point out stars for quiet some time now and does so on a regular basis on our way home from school when he sees a sign with stars on it.
I find it so exciting how much he is learning. I tell him all the time how smart he is. Granted, he may be right on track for his age, but still yet, I like to think he is smart! At any rate, it is fun to watch him grow and learn.

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