Today was Camden's last day of school until August. I must say I am extremely excited to be able to spend the next two months with him, however I was very sad that he was leaving his wonderful teachers. Ms. Caroline, Ms. Debbie, Ms. Ellen, Ms. Lilly and Ms.
Nataly have been nothing but the best. We have been so fortunate to have him at a place where they show genuine love and interest in our child. As I say all the time, they are his mom when I am not there. I know we are not supposed to have favorites, but Camden picked one and stuck by her through out the year - Ms. Caroline. All the teachers knew that she was his favorite and they were fine with it, thank goodness. If you recall on Camden's very first day of daycare I took a picture of him and Ms. Caroline. Who would have know that those two would have bonded so very much. She loves him and he loves her. When she was gone, he would cry for her. When we arrived and he would see her in the mornings, his face would light up. What a blessing to have someone love on your child so much on a daily basis when you yourself are not able to do so. Next year Ms.
Nataly will be in Camden's room next year since she is having a baby and will be unable to be in the same room as her child. It will be nice to have a familiar face and someone that knows Camden. We will miss his teachers so very much. I hope those women never doubt how much they are appreciated and how they mean the world to us!

Camden and Ms. Caroline on his first day of school.

Camden, Ms. Caroline and Jack on his last day of school.
(My how he has grown - and he got some hair on his head!)
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