Where do I begin!?! Yesterday, I was talking to my best friend Lisa, when she asked me how many teeth Camden had. I told her that he still has seven and we were waiting for #8 to appear any day now on the upper right side. I told her that his gum had swollen a few weeks ago, but the tooth had just not popped through yet. Now, let me back up to Monday when we arrived to school to pick Camden up and he had yet another bad note for biting a friend while loving on them. (This was bad note number
four!) One of his teachers mentioned us bringing baby oral gel to school for them to use as needed in case it was teething that was causing his biting, since it happens so sporadically. We of course obliged, and delivered it first thing Tuesday morning.
This morning, as I was finishing up feeding Camden breakfast, we were playing back and forth when he started laughing hard and I noticed a white spec on the bottom left side that I had not noticed before. Upon further examination, I noticed it was one of his molars. I felt around in his mouth, and would you believe that I felt yet another tooth on the top left side, which again was one of his molars!!!! Perhaps that explains some of the crankiness! So, needless to say, no tooth on the right side, instead two teeth on the left!!

New pearly white molar on the bottom left

You can not seen the new molar tooth on his top left gum, but I posted it so you could gather a concept of how far back it really is.
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