Today marks the beginning of the end! My sweet angel has traded his wings in for horns!! O.K. well maybe not that extreme, but he is becoming an ornery little boy! For the past few weeks I have been battling him biting me. Since he got his two upper teeth, he has taken up biting. The only positive thing about this is that he does it in a very loving manner. He never bites when he is mad or angry, it is always when he is showing love. I have done everything I can think of to get it through his stubborn little head (wonder where he gets that from?) that biting is not nice and that it hurts. It honestly is more like a pinch than I bite, which I think may be worse. On Sunday I had multiple bite marks, of which one of them on my arm has scabs.
Today, when I went to pick him up from daycare, I noticed he had a note attached to his normal daily sheet. My worst fear had come to fruition, he had bit another friend while loving on her.

My second child was a pincher. Here's my blog entry about her pinching! :)
I feel for ya!