I know Tuscaloosa is not my home, but it holds very good memories for me. We only spent 3 years there, but we have great friends there as well as a wonderful church family. My husband fulfilled his life dream there. One of my greatest dreams, having a child, began there. Camden was born in Tuscaloosa, and for that I feel a strong attachment. I am praying for everyone there, because regardless of where they lived, what kind of damage they sustained, they were and are affected. People lost their houses, businesses, lives, and parts of their wonderful town. For all of this I am sad and feel so helpless being here in Texas. Never have I felt a stronger urge to be there than now to help. But, knowing that is not a possibility I will do the only thing I know to do and can do and that is to pray.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Pray for Tuscaloosa
Today a horrible tornado made its way through five different states, including Alabama. Unfortunately, Tuscaloosa was in its line of fire. What I would consider one of the main intersections in Tuscaloosa was completely demolished along with all the buildings in its vicinity. Actually, part of the path I took to work daily will no longer ever appear the same. Part of the buildings and homes that I passed by daily are no longer standing and unfortunately some of the people that resided in those homes are no longer living. It is so devestating to see the destruction that occurred in Tuscaloosa and it hurts my heart that I am not there to help. It amazes me that where the majority of the damage was in an area where people already are struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis.
I know Tuscaloosa is not my home, but it holds very good memories for me. We only spent 3 years there, but we have great friends there as well as a wonderful church family. My husband fulfilled his life dream there. One of my greatest dreams, having a child, began there. Camden was born in Tuscaloosa, and for that I feel a strong attachment. I am praying for everyone there, because regardless of where they lived, what kind of damage they sustained, they were and are affected. People lost their houses, businesses, lives, and parts of their wonderful town. For all of this I am sad and feel so helpless being here in Texas. Never have I felt a stronger urge to be there than now to help. But, knowing that is not a possibility I will do the only thing I know to do and can do and that is to pray.
I know Tuscaloosa is not my home, but it holds very good memories for me. We only spent 3 years there, but we have great friends there as well as a wonderful church family. My husband fulfilled his life dream there. One of my greatest dreams, having a child, began there. Camden was born in Tuscaloosa, and for that I feel a strong attachment. I am praying for everyone there, because regardless of where they lived, what kind of damage they sustained, they were and are affected. People lost their houses, businesses, lives, and parts of their wonderful town. For all of this I am sad and feel so helpless being here in Texas. Never have I felt a stronger urge to be there than now to help. But, knowing that is not a possibility I will do the only thing I know to do and can do and that is to pray.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter
Since we had a three day weekend for Easter, we headed to Kerrville to visit my parents and grandmothers. We had a very nice and relaxing time. Mom cooked awesome food, as usual, and we had the best homemade ice cream EVER! Today, we got up and went to early church and then headed home to see what the Easter Bunny left. Much to our surprise, when we arrived at my parent's place, there was a Scooby Doo Easter basket sitting on their motor coach steps. Since Camden absolutely LOVES dogs, it could not have been a more perfect basket for him. It was filled with all sorts of great treats. His favorites were a little chirping chick, a water gun and chocolate covered marshmallow bunnies. We had no idea who left the basket, but had a few ideas. There are two different couples that live by my parents that absolutely love Camden, and thought that either of them could have left it for him. My mom called each of them, and they both denied knowing a thing about the basket. At this time, we are still unsure as to who left the basket, so it MUST have been the Easter Bunny!

Once we made it indoors, Camden found his basket that the Easter Bunny left. His favorites from that basket were his Weeble Wobbles and the plastic filled eggs.

After looking through his baskets, we headed outside to hunt Easter eggs. Shane put him on the grass and he spotted the eggs right off the bat. However, after he found the first egg and was able to open it and see that Teddy Grahams were in there, he only hunted a few more eggs and decided he was ready for the Teddy Grahams.

He did a good job, and seemed to have enjoyed himself, despite the grass being a little wet!
Grandma and Grandpa enjoyed having him visit and he definitely enjoyed being there!

Once we made it indoors, Camden found his basket that the Easter Bunny left. His favorites from that basket were his Weeble Wobbles and the plastic filled eggs.

After looking through his baskets, we headed outside to hunt Easter eggs. Shane put him on the grass and he spotted the eggs right off the bat. However, after he found the first egg and was able to open it and see that Teddy Grahams were in there, he only hunted a few more eggs and decided he was ready for the Teddy Grahams.

He did a good job, and seemed to have enjoyed himself, despite the grass being a little wet!

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tooth #5
While I was playing with Camden this evening, he was laughing and carrying on when I noticed a new little white addition to his mouth. I had no idea that he was even teething!!! I even checked his mouth on Sunday when he was biting me to make sure that was not the problem, and I did not see or feel a thing in there!!! Anyway, tooth #5 has come in next to his lower tooth on the left.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I Have 'THAT Child'
I really debated whether I was going to blog about what happened today. One of the main reasons I blog is so that one day Camden and I can look back on these entries and laugh. So, since we have to take the good with the bad, I decided to proceed.
Today marks the beginning of the end! My sweet angel has traded his wings in for horns!! O.K. well maybe not that extreme, but he is becoming an ornery little boy! For the past few weeks I have been battling him biting me. Since he got his two upper teeth, he has taken up biting. The only positive thing about this is that he does it in a very loving manner. He never bites when he is mad or angry, it is always when he is showing love. I have done everything I can think of to get it through his stubborn little head (wonder where he gets that from?) that biting is not nice and that it hurts. It honestly is more like a pinch than I bite, which I think may be worse. On Sunday I had multiple bite marks, of which one of them on my arm has scabs.
Today, when I went to pick him up from daycare, I noticed he had a note attached to his normal daily sheet. My worst fear had come to fruition, he had bit another friend while loving on her.
UGH!!! Great! Now I have 'THAT child' that all the other parents are going to hate because he bit their sweet child! I pray this is very short lived!!!
Today marks the beginning of the end! My sweet angel has traded his wings in for horns!! O.K. well maybe not that extreme, but he is becoming an ornery little boy! For the past few weeks I have been battling him biting me. Since he got his two upper teeth, he has taken up biting. The only positive thing about this is that he does it in a very loving manner. He never bites when he is mad or angry, it is always when he is showing love. I have done everything I can think of to get it through his stubborn little head (wonder where he gets that from?) that biting is not nice and that it hurts. It honestly is more like a pinch than I bite, which I think may be worse. On Sunday I had multiple bite marks, of which one of them on my arm has scabs.
Today, when I went to pick him up from daycare, I noticed he had a note attached to his normal daily sheet. My worst fear had come to fruition, he had bit another friend while loving on her.

Saturday, April 16, 2011
Visiting the Easter Bunny
Today the neighborhood had an Easter parade and festivities which included a small petting zoo, an Easter egg hunt as well as a visit with the Easter Bunny. It started right during Camden's nap, so once he woke up we headed to see what we could get ourselves into. We stopped and looked at the animals that were there and then we headed to visit the Easter Bunny. We were anxious to see how he would do since the visit with Santa did not go over so well. We took some time giving the Easter Bunny high fives, and then Camden agreed to sit on his lap. As you can tell from the picture, he was not overly thrilled, but luckily, he did not cry.

After the visit with the Easter Bunny, we went to the park area where Camden slid down the slide and then his daddy pushed him in the swing. He had a great time and as usual, enjoyed being outside!

After the visit with the Easter Bunny, we went to the park area where Camden slid down the slide and then his daddy pushed him in the swing. He had a great time and as usual, enjoyed being outside!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Pull Up
Camden finally pulled himself up today!!! I left the room for about 10 seconds and was startled upon my return when I found him standing by the couch trying to hand me the TV remote. I had to think a second if I left him standing, but I knew good and well I did not. Luckily, about ten minutes later he pulled himself up again and I got to see him in action. Progress. . . . . . something I love to see!

Thursday, April 7, 2011
Jumping with the Big Boys
Mason and Braden have a trampoline that Camden absolutely LOVES!!! Everyday when we go outside he wants to sit on it and tries to jump on it while sitting. Today, the boys were jumping and playing on the trampoline when Camden decided to join them. Needless to say, he had a great time playing with the big boys. He giggled every time his body came up off the trampoline. The boys were great with him and made sure that things did not get too carried away.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Fun Photos
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Happy 4th Anniversary
Today is our 4th Wedding Anniversary. Sometimes it is hard to believe it has been 4 years, yet other times it seems like it has been so much longer (and I don't mean that in a bad way.) Shane surprised me and gave me a leather Pandora bracelet with some wooden beads on it. I have liked the wooden beads since they first came out and when we were buying a bead for my sister's Pandora bracelet for her birthday, I saw them as a bracelet and made the comment that I might ask for that for my birthday. Luckily, my wonderful husband listened when I made that comment and surprised me!!!! Yea me!!!!
Happy Anniversary Shane!! I am looking forward to many, many more!
Happy Anniversary Shane!! I am looking forward to many, many more!
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