Camden had a great time today visiting with family and opening more gifts. His morning started with the norm - his bottle. After getting some food in his belly, we made our way to the Christmas tree to see what Santa left for him. Since Camden has an affinity for rocking, Santa brought him a talking rocking horse. And since Camden loves music and lights, Santa also left him a V-tech Learn and Discover driver. Santa also left him a Fisher Price Rock-a-Stack toy.

The toys Santa left for Camden

Camden a little unsure about riding his new rocking horse

Riding with no help

Playing with his new stacker toy
After the rest of us ate breakfast, we all gathered around the living room to open presents. It is the tradition in our family that one person opens a gift and then the next person opens a gift and so on until all the gifts are opened. It allows everyone to see what each person gets and to me, allows us to spend a bit more time together as a family. Even though it takes a little longer to get all the gifts opened by doing it this way, Camden did absolutely wonderful and waited his turn each time, usually occupying his time playing with paper or checking out one of his new toys. He received a huge turtle scoop for the bath tub as well as bath tub toys (which we have been waiting for so we can start taking 'big boy' baths), ornaments, a Fisher-Price Laugh and Learn Rhymes storybook, Crawl Along Snail, clothes and money (which will go towards his college fund).

Camden playing with his toy while waiting his turn

Who is that precious guy in the mirror?

I think I will give him a kiss!

Paper is fun!

Giving his new turtle a kiss

Checking out his new ornament from his Great Aunt Maxine

Mason showing off his new Power Band

Braden showing off his new football figurine

Shane showing off our Christmas present from Camden

Family picture with our Christmas present from Camden that he made at school. The ornaments on the tree and the lights around the edge are his finger prints.
The rest of the day was spent eating, visiting with family and playing with Camden and his new toys. Camden ate lots of good things for his Christmas dinner including turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, roll, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. It was really nice to spend this Christmas with my family on Christmas day. It has been quiet a few years since we have all been together on Christmas day and so we felt it was way overdue!

Our First Christmas as a family of three!