Over the past week, his reflux has seemed to have worsened. I am not sure if it was the breast milk that we started adding back into his diet (we had quit giving it about two weeks ago because he acted like he didn't like it and we were trying to get him to drink all of his bottles) or the prunes, but today he did much better minus the breast milk and prunes. So after I get it settled back down, I think we will try the breast milk again and see if maybe it is just the prunes. I HATE to waste all the breast milk we still have in the freezer.

Yesterday I had my final appointment with Dr. Hogan, my neurologist here in Tuscaloosa, and he was pleased with how I am doing. My vision seems to be staying pretty stable in the affected eye aside from the floater that will be there forever. He told me that if I were to stay here, he would have me follow up in a year with another MRI and if it came back clean then he would wait two more years before doing another MRI. So, I guess I will have a year to find a good neurologist in Houston!
I turned in my resignation this week and my last day at work will be July 30th. I still can't believe that the time is almost near. I also received an email from my supervisor at my new job, and I have new nurse orientation August 5th and 6th. So good thing I had decided for us to move the first weekend in August! Still no lookers on the house, which is a bit depressing for me, but I have every intent to start packing this weekend!
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