Several of the girls, Dr. Hemstreet, and myself went to Kobe, a Japanese grill, for dinner. It was great fun, and we laughed A LOT!!! I will miss them so much - but have faith that I will see them all again when we go to Alabama for football games!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sad Goodbyes
Today was the day that my work celebrated my leaving. Now that just doesn't sound right, but they all know how anxious I am to get back home to Texas. Even though we celebrated, it was a sad occasion. I have had some awesome coworkers during the last three years that have been great friends and family to me. We have shared happy times, sad times and frustrating times. But all in all, it has been good.
Several of the girls, Dr. Hemstreet, and myself went to Kobe, a Japanese grill, for dinner. It was great fun, and we laughed A LOT!!! I will miss them so much - but have faith that I will see them all again when we go to Alabama for football games!
Several of the girls, Dr. Hemstreet, and myself went to Kobe, a Japanese grill, for dinner. It was great fun, and we laughed A LOT!!! I will miss them so much - but have faith that I will see them all again when we go to Alabama for football games!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Almost 10th Percentile
Today was Camden's 6 month check-up. It is just a hair early, but since we will be right in the middle of moving when it is time, we went now. Also, they prefer you go early rather than late. So of course, the part that I anxiously await each time is the height and weight check. Well, I am proud to say that our higher calorie formula along with solids has helped! Today he weighed 14 pounds 6 ounces and was 26 1/2 inches long with his head circumference being 16 1/2 inches. He is now closer to the 10th percentile in weight, 75th percentile in length and his head is in the 10th percentile. Yea!!! And of course he received 3 shots today, which he bled like a stuck hog out of one of his legs, bless his little heart. But, as in the past, he recovered in a very short period of time.

Over the past few weeks, his reflux has definitely seemed to have worsened. He was waking up in the middle of his naps screaming and was spitting up much more, so much on Sunday that he soaked his shirt. So on Wednesday I called the doctor and she called in Prilosec for him. So far, I believe it is improving the reflux. Today he has not spit up once!
Also, I guess I need to give a poop update. A few Sundays ago at church I was feeding Camden during the sermon when all of the sudden he started his whole pushing and grunting ritual topped off with milk coming out of his nose from pushing so hard. I took him to the cry room and after 15 minutes or so, he finally was able to produce a very nicely formed turd. We had been giving him Lactulose off and on, but found that it seemed to cause him to cramp when it started working. So on Wednesday, I called and talked to the nurse at the pediatrician's office about the situation and questioned if we could try Miralax. After she discussed it with Dr. McGiffert she called me back and said to give him 1 tsp once a day in one of his bottles. So on Friday we gave him his first dose and on Sunday while at church, he filled up his britches - so much so that we had poop EVERYWHERE!!! So we decided that perhaps 1 tsp a day was too much and we are now down to 1/2 tsp a day, and seem to be doing great! So, thankfully, I feel like we are getting back on track with his reflux and pooping! Mercy, I never once thought I would be so obsessed with poop!!!
One last thing, today is Shelbe's 16th birthday! So hard to believe that my baby girl who I received as a gift when I started nursing school is now 16. Age has taken its toll on her little body, she is now blind and deaf, but she has been such a great dog and has brought me great joy. Happy Birthday Shelbe Lin!!!

Over the past few weeks, his reflux has definitely seemed to have worsened. He was waking up in the middle of his naps screaming and was spitting up much more, so much on Sunday that he soaked his shirt. So on Wednesday I called the doctor and she called in Prilosec for him. So far, I believe it is improving the reflux. Today he has not spit up once!
Also, I guess I need to give a poop update. A few Sundays ago at church I was feeding Camden during the sermon when all of the sudden he started his whole pushing and grunting ritual topped off with milk coming out of his nose from pushing so hard. I took him to the cry room and after 15 minutes or so, he finally was able to produce a very nicely formed turd. We had been giving him Lactulose off and on, but found that it seemed to cause him to cramp when it started working. So on Wednesday, I called and talked to the nurse at the pediatrician's office about the situation and questioned if we could try Miralax. After she discussed it with Dr. McGiffert she called me back and said to give him 1 tsp once a day in one of his bottles. So on Friday we gave him his first dose and on Sunday while at church, he filled up his britches - so much so that we had poop EVERYWHERE!!! So we decided that perhaps 1 tsp a day was too much and we are now down to 1/2 tsp a day, and seem to be doing great! So, thankfully, I feel like we are getting back on track with his reflux and pooping! Mercy, I never once thought I would be so obsessed with poop!!!
One last thing, today is Shelbe's 16th birthday! So hard to believe that my baby girl who I received as a gift when I started nursing school is now 16. Age has taken its toll on her little body, she is now blind and deaf, but she has been such a great dog and has brought me great joy. Happy Birthday Shelbe Lin!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Going Away Party
Our dearest friends from church got together and threw us a nice going away party this evening. It was so thoughtful and we enjoyed being able to get together with them one last time. I will definitely miss them! Each of them have played a special part of my life while here in Tuscaloosa. Susannah was such a great shoulder to lean on when things in my life were just not where I wanted them and I always loved to see her bright smiling face on Sunday mornings. Sarah and I were pregnant at the same time, which was awesome because we could compare and contrast our progression. She was the first person to ever keep Camden! She truly is one of the sweetest people I know and I love her dearly. Candace, Melissa, and Kim were always available for great advice, since they were new mothers themselves. Nicole has kept me and Shane laughing more than she knows! Amy and her creative self, just amazes me daily - as the mother of triplets and one of the most creative people I know, she is always selflessly doing things for others. And lastly is Ashley who is pregnant now and I am so excited for her knowing how great motherhood is. She has such a beautiful voice and I always think how fortunate her son is to have a mother who can sing so wonderfully - I hope she sings to him ALL the time!
Thanks everyone - you will be dearly missed!!!
Thanks everyone - you will be dearly missed!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Family Get Together
On Friday night, Shanelle, Kelsey and Gavin arrived for a short stay here at our house. They were on their way to visit more family, but luckily got to stop and visit us and the family in Birmingham for a few days. Yesterday after church, we all headed to Maw Maw's house in Gardendale and ate some of her good home cooking while visiting with and saying our goodbyes to the family. It was fun seeing Camden and Gavin together as well as watching everyone enjoy having little ones around. Manya had gifts for our little guys, including a cool Guy Harvey shirt for Camden. It had a Mahi Mahi on it, which I found neat, since that is what Shane and I caught on our honeymoon.
Of course, the goodbyes were rough. I HATE goodbyes!!! We have been so fortunate to be able to spend good quality time with some of Shane's family since we have lived here. Everyone has been so gracious and loving. Manya and Ronald have been absolutely wonderful to us and have made me feel like such an important part of their family. They have been so good to include us in so many of their family events. They will be very missed!! I can't wait until they retire - hint, hint- maybe then we can go fishing!!! ; )
Of course, the goodbyes were rough. I HATE goodbyes!!! We have been so fortunate to be able to spend good quality time with some of Shane's family since we have lived here. Everyone has been so gracious and loving. Manya and Ronald have been absolutely wonderful to us and have made me feel like such an important part of their family. They have been so good to include us in so many of their family events. They will be very missed!! I can't wait until they retire - hint, hint- maybe then we can go fishing!!! ; )
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Bathroom Conversation
Last night I was bathing Camden when there was a slight incident where I needed Shane's assistance. So I called for him, and the following was the conversation.
Me: I need your help, Camden just pooped in his tub.
Shane: Well what do you need me to do?
Me: Get the turd out of the tub.
Shane: I am not touching it.
Me: Fine, you hold Camden here while I get it out. (As he holds Camden, I pour out the majority of the water down the drain and the small amount that is left with the turd, I pour in the toilet and nicely flush it away.)
Shane: (Speaking to Camden with a surprised tone) Mommy knew how to get rid of that without touching it!
Really!?!? I find it humours that apparently Shane wouldn't have thought about ridding of the turd the way that I did. Moms still rule!!! ; )

Me: I need your help, Camden just pooped in his tub.
Shane: Well what do you need me to do?
Me: Get the turd out of the tub.
Shane: I am not touching it.
Me: Fine, you hold Camden here while I get it out. (As he holds Camden, I pour out the majority of the water down the drain and the small amount that is left with the turd, I pour in the toilet and nicely flush it away.)
Shane: (Speaking to Camden with a surprised tone) Mommy knew how to get rid of that without touching it!
Really!?!? I find it humours that apparently Shane wouldn't have thought about ridding of the turd the way that I did. Moms still rule!!! ; )

Friday, July 16, 2010
Vegetable of the Day
Today was the day to try a new food, and since we have done nothing but fruits, I decided to go with a vegetable. Since Shane and I don't really care for many vegetables except green beans and corn, it only seemed sensible for me to try green beans, even though they are not high in calories. We knew this was going to be an unpleasant experience for Camden and he proved us right. After a bit of gagging and funny facial expressions, he was able to get a bit of it down. Definitely not as exciting as pears or prunes, but we will keep working on it!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Almost . . .
For a week or so now, when I get home from work, Camden and I work on his sitting. For the past several weeks, he has really gotten away from being held like a baby. He no longer allows me to rock him to sleep or even hold him like a baby while sitting on the couch- which saddens me. But, in the same breath, I am glad to know that he is progressing in his development. When we practice sitting, he always seems to fall to the left side more than the right. I am convinced that he must have a rounded butt cheek on that side, and a flat one on the right side. Anyway, he is definitely getting closer to being able to sit by himself. Right now, he is able to sit there for about 3 to 5 seconds at the longest. I realize that is not very long, but it still makes me proud!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
A Hairy Habit
Friday, July 9, 2010
Weekly events
Today we introduced yet another food, and even though I really wanted to try green beans, we went with pears. I did this for two reasons, first of all pears are not supposed to be constipating and second they have way more calories than green beans. And since I am all about adding calories to Camden's diet, the pears won. He LOVES them. I can't shovel in the food fast enough, thank goodness!!!

Over the past week, his reflux has seemed to have worsened. I am not sure if it was the breast milk that we started adding back into his diet (we had quit giving it about two weeks ago because he acted like he didn't like it and we were trying to get him to drink all of his bottles) or the prunes, but today he did much better minus the breast milk and prunes. So after I get it settled back down, I think we will try the breast milk again and see if maybe it is just the prunes. I HATE to waste all the breast milk we still have in the freezer.

Yesterday I had my final appointment with Dr. Hogan, my neurologist here in Tuscaloosa, and he was pleased with how I am doing. My vision seems to be staying pretty stable in the affected eye aside from the floater that will be there forever. He told me that if I were to stay here, he would have me follow up in a year with another MRI and if it came back clean then he would wait two more years before doing another MRI. So, I guess I will have a year to find a good neurologist in Houston!
I turned in my resignation this week and my last day at work will be July 30th. I still can't believe that the time is almost near. I also received an email from my supervisor at my new job, and I have new nurse orientation August 5th and 6th. So good thing I had decided for us to move the first weekend in August! Still no lookers on the house, which is a bit depressing for me, but I have every intent to start packing this weekend!

Over the past week, his reflux has seemed to have worsened. I am not sure if it was the breast milk that we started adding back into his diet (we had quit giving it about two weeks ago because he acted like he didn't like it and we were trying to get him to drink all of his bottles) or the prunes, but today he did much better minus the breast milk and prunes. So after I get it settled back down, I think we will try the breast milk again and see if maybe it is just the prunes. I HATE to waste all the breast milk we still have in the freezer.

Yesterday I had my final appointment with Dr. Hogan, my neurologist here in Tuscaloosa, and he was pleased with how I am doing. My vision seems to be staying pretty stable in the affected eye aside from the floater that will be there forever. He told me that if I were to stay here, he would have me follow up in a year with another MRI and if it came back clean then he would wait two more years before doing another MRI. So, I guess I will have a year to find a good neurologist in Houston!
I turned in my resignation this week and my last day at work will be July 30th. I still can't believe that the time is almost near. I also received an email from my supervisor at my new job, and I have new nurse orientation August 5th and 6th. So good thing I had decided for us to move the first weekend in August! Still no lookers on the house, which is a bit depressing for me, but I have every intent to start packing this weekend!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Fourth of July Weekend
On Friday after I got off of work, we headed to Georgia to Shane's grandparent's house. I always love going there!! Camden did wonderful on the ride over, but due to his slow eating (30 minutes to get down 4 ounces) it took us a little longer than normal to get there. On Saturday, Granny and I went and did a little shopping, and Granny bought Camden a new outfit and a new toy. I don't know who was more excited about the toy, me or Camden!! On Sunday, after church we went to eat and then went to Shane's cousin's house and saw her new baby girl, Reagan. She is just precious! It is amazing that Camden used to be that small!! We headed back home today and Camden was asleep before we even got out of the neighborhood and slept for 3 hours. We stopped at Shane's grandfather's house outside of Birmingham and after visiting there for an hour and a half, we headed home and Camden slept another 45 minutes. We definitely had a great trip and enjoyed our time with Shane's family. We will miss being this close to his family, but hopefully with our school schedules we will find the time to visit them often.
Reagan Emma Churcher
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Cereal Equals Constipation
First of all, let me say that I do realize that when my child is older and reads these blog entries detailing his life, he will not be thrilled that I posted an entry regarding his bowel movements, but here goes. Since starting cereal, Camden has had a horrible time with constipation. Bless his heart - he grunts, groans, makes the veins pop out in his head, pushes and after a bit will finally produce something that is very pasty and formed. So after doing a little research, I read that barley cereal is less constipating than rice cereal, and that pears and prunes are less constipating than applesauce. So yesterday we started barley cereal and prunes. Let me just say, he LOVES prunes!!! He doesn't even gag when he eats them!! But I have seen no improvement in his bowel movements as of yet. In order to help our poor little guy, he is getting Lactulose daily, which seems to help. I will be looking forward to next month when we can start juice - perhaps that will help!!!

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