Camden is still doing excellent on his sleeping!! I know that we are so very fortunate and I pray this lasts!! He is still going to bed between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm and gets up between 6:00 am and 7:00 am. I must say the sleep for me has been such a welcome sight. I honestly didn't think it would be this soon that I would be able to get this much sleep!

As for his feedings, Camden has now increased his intake to 5 ounces at each meal (which is still every 3 hours) and as of today we are up to 3 of the 5 ounces being formula. Which, by the way, I purchased my first can of Nutramigen today - not a pleasant task. They have now started making the big containers of Nutramigen and they cost $32.99 each - but luckily I had a $5.00 refund check for it. I still plan on pumping as much as possible once returning to work to help keep that cost down as well as letting Camden still achieve the benefits of breast milk. I am really concerned how well I am going to do once returning to work due to all the temptations - pizza, cookies, catered food, etc. UGH!!! So many of these things have dairy and I am such a pizza junkie. I used to have a slice of pepperoni pizza two or three times a week before Camden's arrival, but since the beginning of March, I have not had any and I can hardly wait for the day that I can partake in it, as well as ice cream again!!! So, hopefully my will power will stay strong and I can avoid all temptations so that my breast milk will not be 'tainted' for Camden.
Something cute - as of yesterday Camden has seemed to have found his tongue. It is very funny watching him and listening to him. He is 'talking' a lot more now and actually giggles. I think he finds himself humorous - which cracks me up. He is so very precious!!!
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