Today Camden had his two week check up and I also had a two week check up with Dr. D. This was Camden's first day to meet Dr. McGiffert, his pediatrician. She was never on call when he was in the hospital so we saw several of her associates during that time. He did great, he weighed 6 pounds 6 ounces and he is now 19 3/4 inches long. YEA!!!! They did a heel stick for his PKU to send in to the state of Alabama to test him for different genetic diseases, which they do with every child. As for his cold, we are doing everything we can with saline nasal drops and suctioning to help him keep his air passages clear. Dr. McGiffert thought he was doing well, but felt that Camden still appeared jaundice, and asked us to have yet another bilirubin level drawn. So after we left her office, we headed to the lab where he had yet another heel stick. This time his bilirubin was a little more elevated than last Friday when it was 10.3, it was now was 11.2. This time she did a break down of the bilirubin to see if it was direct or indirect. Direct would be a problem with his liver and gallbladder breaking it down, and indirect is just the inability to excrete it like he should, which is harder for breast fed babies. Luckily, his is all indirect and she said to just let him work through it and notify her if I notice him to be anymore jaundiced. His next appointment will be for his 2 month check up at which time he will receive the first round of immunizations (aside from his first Hepatitis B shot which he received while in the hospital).
At my two week visit, I discussed with Dr. D my placenta again. I still just can't believe how it looked at delivery and was concerned regarding having a problem if I were to have another child. She said that it definitely could have contributed to Camden's decreased growth in utero and it could happen with another pregnancy, but it is not certain that it will and told me not to let that worry me. She asked about my vision, which did deteriorate after delivery. My vision is probably as it was when I was first diagnosed with optic neuritis, but honestly that is exactly what I expected. As with prior episodes, it will improve over time and perhaps the floater that I still have will 'settle down'. She checked all her handy work that she did after delivery, and was pleased with the way I am healing. I am to follow up again with her in four weeks.
Mom, Camden and I still all have runny noses. I am so ready for Camden to feel better again, although he has been such a trooper. He has really been doing well and is really a great baby. We are so very lucky!!!

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