Now many people have asked me how Shane reacted. Well, first you must know that on Wednesday night I asked him if he was excited to find out the sex of our child and he just chuckled and said, "I guess I'm interested." Interested???? Seriously???? I am interested in how Alabama is going to do at the football game, or how the weather is going to be, but when it comes to finding out the sex of my child, "interested" is not the word I would choose! I just had to laugh because that is typical of my husband. So when she did announce the sex, he may have had a slight grin on his face, but nothing like the smile that was pasted on my face. As we left the doctor's office, I told him that it was OK, he could show some excitement, his response was, "What makes you think I am not excited?" He kills me!! I honestly think he was beaming on the inside though. He was proud to call his family and let them know. When we went to the grocery store later this evening, I asked him if it had soaked in with him that he was having a boy, and he said probably not.
As for my group of friends and family, the baby pretty much proved the most of them wrong. Like I said before, if he did prove them wrong, he is definitely taking after me!! Aren't we in trouble! I didn't realize that so many people were really rooting for a girl! For those that were rooting for a girl, hopefully we will try again. Just say some prayers that we can talk Shane into another one!!!
So, now the true planning begins - picking out how the nursery will look, what type of stroller/carrier, a name, and plenty of other odds and ends. I know we are not even half way through the pregnancy yet, but time is going to fly right on by, especially with the holidays coming up. So I am looking forward to doing a little shopping this weekend be it on-line or in the stores to get some good ideas!! Thanks goodness for this three day weekend - it is coming at just the right time for me!!!!!
By the way, I must say that even though everyone was wrong regarding the sex, the Drano test was correct. So now our friends that told us to do the test, who were 13-0, are now 14-0!!!
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