I will give you a little background so that you can see just how great of a God we serve and how faithful He is to each of us. To start, Shane and I had each been in relationships that were unhealthy and full of lies. We were both worn out and carried a lot of skepticism going into any new relationship. We had a mutual friend who had played baseball with Shane in college and several years later they started attending the same church. I knew this same friend through the cardiology office where I worked. He was a pacemaker representative that came into the office weekly. He had told each of us about the other and after a month or so of "talking us both up" we finally met in February 2006. I was taken by the fact that he was (and still is) such a spiritual man, competitive, very good looking, and quiet, but strong. Now Shane had not been thrilled with his current work situation and had prayed for awhile for God to reveal to him His plan. Shane told me one night that he had decided that he was going to fulfill his dream and what he felt was God's plan for him and he was going to move to Tuscaloosa, Alabama and attend the University of Alabama to pursue his Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology. His love for baseball and the ability to work closely with kids who need a good role model would all be in his reach by obtaining his degree and becoming a coach. I was thrilled when he told me, but at the same time unsure because that means our relationship would come to an end. Shane was unsure if I would actually pick up and move to Alabama, but all he had to do was ask. My only stipulation was that we were married!!! So, in April 2007 we were married on a small island in the Bahamas.
Now, aside from our meeting, the next part of our story (to me) shows just how faithful God is and how if you are doing what He has planned for you, that everything will just fall right into place. Shane and I each owned homes, mine in Orange and his in Beaumont. The housing market in Orange was not all that great and I knew it would take awhile to sell my home. Shane's home in Beaumont was in a great school district and we knew it should sell pretty easily. So after we were engaged in November, I put my house on the market. We decided we would wait until April to put Shane's on the market. After a contract or two falling through on my home, it finally sold in April as well as Shane's house. This worked perfectly since we were looking to move to Alabama in May. After several quick weekend trips to Alabama, we found a new home in a nice neighborhood which would be ready the exact weekend we needed. So in one month's time we were able to sell two homes and buy a new home!!!! Now as far as a job went, I had worked as a registered nurse in a cardiology office in Beaumont for five years and decided I would email a cardiology clinic in Tuscaloosa. I did this in November and in my letter told them we would be moving in May. In February, I contacted the woman I had sent my resume to and she informed me that they were opening up a nuclear lab in August and really needed someone who was familiar with this. Needless to say, we had been doing nuclear stress tests at the office in Beaumont the whole five years I had been there. So during one of our trips to look for a house, I interviewed and it seemed to be a perfect fit!!! How awesome that all of that fell exactly into place.
So Shane started school at the University of Alabama in June 2007 and I started at Cardiology Consultants. The plan was/is for him to finish in May 2010. He seems to really love school and does very well. The past two years he has been able to be an assistant coach at a local high school which will definitely give him good experience for the future. After getting over my home sickness and us making some great friends at church, our time here has been enjoyable. I have enjoyed seeing how my role of being a coach's wife will be!!
Shane has known my desire for a family since the time we started dating. After we figured out that we were moving to Tuscaloosa for him to finish school, we decided that we would wait until his last year in school to even start trying to have a child. Originally we were going to start trying around August, 2009 so that we would have a child sometime around May or after. I was fine with this, until about 8 or 9 months ago. I was more than ready to have a child, but knew that we had to plan accordingly. So what better to do than to pray about it. So we did. After awhile, I felt like we were to start trying in May. We both decided if we actually did try to start trying in August and deliver in May it would be harder for us to pack up and head back to Texas (which is our plan). Also, we would run into a problem with health insurance. So, we decided that May would be the month to start trying and whatever God's plan for us would be revealed in His time.
On June 3, 2009, after one month of trying, a positive pregnancy test confirmed we were pregnant. How awesome is that!!!! At first I though to myself, a February baby?? But after thinking about Shane's school and the amount of time off I will have at work, it will actually work perfectly!!! I can stay home with the baby until Shane is finished with his student teaching and then he can keep the baby while I go back to work. We will be getting all of our ducks in a row to move back to Texas, but I will need to remain employed for insurance purposes until Shane finds a job and his insurance goes into effect. Now of course that is a ways off, so that is the plan for now, but who knows.......
I must say I have no intent for the rest of my posts to be this long, but I really wanted everyone to see how faithful God is. From our story, I think it is evident that God does have a plan for each one of us. If things are meant to be, they will fall into place just like they should. Prayer is an amazing thing!!!
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