Since things are opening up, I don't really feel like we are 'quarantined' so much anymore, although we are still supposed to be social distancing as well as wearing masks when in public places if you are 10 years of age or older. Businesses can now have 50% capacity instead of 25%. Last Thursday we had an 8th grade send off for the students at my school. The staff all stood out on in the parking lot, while the parents drove their students by in their cars waving. Perhaps, I didn't social distance appropriately when I saw some of my favorite students. I am going to miss them!!!!
Afterwards, a few coworkers and I went to a local restaurant to celebrate my birthday! So fun!
I started another labor intensive project last week that took until this week to finish. Honestly, I was not planning on it taking me days to complete, but it did. Some of the expansion joints in our driveway and side walk have rotted and a few have come out. Some stuck up a little and I was afraid someone was going to hurt themselves by tripping on it. So, I bought a product called Trim A Slab that is a rubber material to replace the wooden expansion joints. Placing the Trim A Slab was not hard, it was the removal of the old expansion joints. Very few pieces came out whole, so there was a lot of chipping away of wood in the heat. But, I am super pleased with the finished product!

This week, the pool opened up on Memorial Day, so I took the boys to swim. The water was rather chilly due to the recent rains, but that didn't stop the boys!

We have been doing a lot more bike riding! Last week Camden and I went and rode bikes while Shane and Casen were at baseball practice. We were riding on a trail that we have ridden on several time before that has a few mud holes. There are a few mud holes that have a very narrow place to ride beside, which has never really been a problem, until today. Somehow, I fell smooth into a mud hole and was drenched in stinky mud! Good times and lots of laughs!
There is a great climbing tree in one of the neighborhoods we go through to get to the trails and the boys love to climb it! Camden is getting braver and braver trying to go higher and higher.
Even though the boys finished their school work last Friday, their 'official' last day of school was today. We of course had to take our obligatory last day of school pictures to compare to the first day of school. My, how Casen changed over the year!!!

It was allergy shot day for Casen today, so he and I dawned our face masks and he got his shot!
This afternoon, the teachers from the boys school did a End of Year Celebration Parade and drove through the neighborhoods where their students go to school. Camden and I picked up his best friend Cole, went to Dairy Queen and got blizzards for everyone and then met Casen and Shane to watch the parade. The boys enjoyed getting to see some of their former teachers.
And of course, our sweet Nina. She is doing good with her potty training and enjoys being held like a baby. She LOVES to drink water, be it out of her dish, off the dew covered grass, or out of the down spouts after a rain. She has been sleeping through the night for weeks now, but still like to get up sometime between 6:30 am and 7:00am. Now, if we could just move her wake up time a little later. . . She has her appointment for her final set of shots next week and we are looking forward to that so we can start taking her for walks.