This weekend marked the first game of soccer season for the boys. They were both excited for soccer season, more so Camden than Casen since soccer is Camden's favorite sport, while Casen's is baseball. This is the first year that Camden will be playing in the PDF league, while Casen will remain in the 'Future Stars' League. Camden originally was very excited to be playing in the PDF league. He, along with a handful of other boys, were chosen and asked to play on 'the' 9U PDF team. We were all excited for what the season would hold for Camden, however now we are a bit concerned. Unfortunately some things have changed from last season to now. At Camden's practices there have been a large amount of boys, so many so that they make at least 3 9U teams, if not more. Some of the boys are good, while others have apparently never laid a foot on a soccer ball.

I will be honest and tell you that these past couple of weeks have been a challenge for us and Camden. Camden has anxiety, especially when it comes to new things. This is not new for him and he is very aware of it. He does not like to be singled out, and much prefers the 'team' aspect versus playing a sport, like baseball, where you are on a team, but things are more individualized. Hence one of the reasons he loves soccer. Until he settles in, his anxiety can impede his ability to play up to his normal standard. The coaches have used the past few weeks practice as well as today's scrimmage to decide what team to place the kids on and we should be hearing something this week about it. Unfortunately, at his game today he played very timid and did not play in true Camden fashion. I hate it so much for him that he has anxiety and we really try to talk through it and find different ways to help calm his nerves, but it is a work in progress.
As for Casen, he is just out having a great time while playing soccer. He works hard, usually gets in the car a sweaty mess after practice and was ready for his first game yesterday.
According to Shane, he had great fun at his game and of course was the biggest kid out on the field. I was not there as I was at the beach enjoying some time with my Bunco Chics. But Casen was sure to report to me that he scored A LOT of goals. : )
Some of the Bunco Babes |