It was once again time for the boy's annual trip to my parents. They like to go during the Fourth of July due to all the fun activities my parents have where they live that are geared towards the kids. The boys were so excited because this time Braden would be there part of the time. My sister and her husband went on a vacation and Braden stayed with us (Mason was at church camp) so when we dropped the boys off with my parents on Friday, Braden got to go too.
On the road to meet Grandma and Grandpa in Luling |
As they do every year, my parents participated in the annual Fourth of July Parade they have. Mom always buys the boys a Fourth of July shirt so they will be ready for the festivities. They decorate the golf cart and parade around the resort.
After the parade, there were all sorts of games and activities for the kids. The boys seemed to have fun!
Camden and Braden in the sack race |
Enjoying popsicles post race |
Getting ready for the Fireworks |
The boys had fun fishing, swimming every day, learning to play pickle ball and just spending time outside! We missed them and were really excited to see them when we got there on Wednesday.
Playing pickle ball |
On Thursday Mom, Shane and I took the boys to the riverwalk in Kerrville. It is a beautiful 4 or 5 mile walkway they have that runs along the Guadalupe river. There was fun wild life to see and at one end of it there was a splash pad that the boys played in for awhile.
And of course while we are in Kerrville, I always love to spend time with my Grandma. Due to her dementia, she does not get out much because it really seems to leaver her very confused, however she still loves to come out to my parents place since she can just be outside and enjoy all the flowers and scenery. Since I have found that I see a lot of the 'old' her when we play cards, I pulled out the cards so we could play some gin rummy. We had a great time laughing and enjoying one another and we even taught Camden how to play! I love that my Grandma is still with us at the age of 98 and hope my boys will remember her and have fond memories of her.
Grandma plotting to beat me in cards |
Camden and Grandma Key I didn't get a picture of Casen and Grandma because he was napping the majority of her visit |
My mom had mentioned that she was really surprised that Camden never asked to drive the golf cart like Mason and Braden always did when they visit. He didn't realize it was an option for him I guess. So before dinner on Thursday, I asked him if he wanted to go drive it. Well of course he did! I was proud of how cautious he was and he did a really great job! He drove me all around the park - enjoying every minute of it.
Upon our return, Casen was of course singing to some of his favorite songs. He has really been into singing and dancing lately. So we put on some music and had him teach Grandpa how to do the Cha Cha Slide.
The boys had been fishing with Grandpa prior to our arrival, and Casen had caught several fish, however Grandpa never took a picture because it was just he and the boys and he was in charge of baiting the hook, casting and removing the fish. (Makes you wonder who was really fishing. . . ) So we went fishing so I could get a picture of Casen with a fish, since prior to this year he was petrified to catch one.
Headed to go fishing |
Casen reeling in his fish |
As they do every year, the boys had a great time! Shane and I enjoyed our few days there as well. Honestly, I would have loved to have been there the whole week with the boys since I love it there, however I know the boys enjoy being alone with Grandma and Grandpa and they should have that time with them. Also, they are creating wonderful memories with them that I know my boys will treasure their whole lives.
Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa Key for a great time!