I have been talking to the teachers at school and Casen is one of two boys left in his class left to potty train. I decided we would try during Spring Break, but knew I would need to wait until after Lisa's shower. So I decided Sunday was the day we were going to start potty training Casen. This probably ended up not being the best choice of dates, as Shane was up all night vomiting (20 times in less than 8 hours) so to say the least he was wiped out. Also, Casen has fought constipation as long as I can remember and still receives Miralax daily and generally has a bowel movement about once a week. Well we got up this morning and put on underwear in hopes of starting our potty training. I honestly don't know what I was thinking because he won't even sit on the potty yet. And of course, this would be the day he decided to poop, not once but twice, so after having to change his underwear three times, once for urine and twice for poop, I was already questioning my decision.
No pants and potty close by |
When it was time for his nap, I noticed Casen was warm and checked his temperature and he was a little over 102. Obviously, not the day to start potty training!!! Later that evening, I noticed he had a rash all over his torso to go along with the temperature. His rash and temperature lasted all the way until today!!! And luckily, no one has gotten Shane's stomach virus. But now, he is fighting a nice cough/cold so hopefully he can keep that to himself as well.
I guess we will try this whole potty training thing at a later date when he seems a bit more interested in even sitting on the potty!!