It is hard to believe that my first born is 5 today. He just turned four yesterday, didn't he???? How do we slow down time? Yesterday on our way to school the following conversation took place:
Me: Hey Camden, you know what today is?
Camden: What?
Me: Today is the last day you are 4.
Camden: Good!!! I am tired of being 4! (sounding exasperated)
And then he goes on to remind me that it won't be long before he graduates from Pre-K and starts Kindergarten.
Camden took cupcakes to school to celebrate his birthday with his friends. When I pulled the cupcakes out this morning, it was the first time Shane had seen them, and he immediately questioned me, "Green icing???" (since Camden always wants blue EVERYTHING). But, since the theme of his birthday party this year is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Camden requested white cupcakes with green icing and a TMNT ring on top. Camden reassured his dad that the cupcakes were just what he wanted.
For supper he wanted Chinese - fried rice that has peas and carrots in it. So he had Chinese for supper.
As you may recall, the past several years I have asked Camden a set of questions so that I can see how his answers change as he matures. This year was no different:
1. What is your favorite color?
2. What is your favorite toys? Ninja Turtles
3. What is your favorite fruit? Grapes and pineapple
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?
Green beans, chicken nuggets and apples
6. What is your favorite outfit?
Green Nike shirt and blue/red/white shorts
7. What is your favorite game?
Wipeout (X-Box)
8. What is your favorite snack?
9. What is your favorite animal?
10. What is your favorite song?
Uptown Funk and Roll Tide Roll
11. What is your favorite book?
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
12. Who is your best friend?
13. What is your favorite cereal?
Lucky Charms
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
Play soccer
15. What is your favorite drink?
Cherry Limeade
16. What is your favorite holiday?
Halloween, Easter and Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you all night?
Stuffy and Hamster
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
Donuts (red with sprinkles) and donut holes
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?
Chinese food
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Police officer and a tooth doctor and a real doctor that helps people when they are sick. Then he said "That is three jobs I know, but I will see when I grow up." Then he started laughing.
I was surprised he did not answer peanut butter and jelly for his favorite lunch, because he can hardly wait to go to kindergarten so he can start taking peanut butter and jelly for lunch, but the chicken nuggets, green beans and apples is his favorite school lunch and he generally eats seconds of it. I think the reason Brown Bear, Brown Bear is his favorite book is because he has it memorized (as he has for several years) and he thinks he knows how to read it since he knows all the words. : ) And as for #18, Friday is our special day where we stop at Shipleys, which of course is conveniently located right by daycare, and he always gets one donut that has red icing with sprinkles, Casen gets a chocolate covered donut with sprinkles and then he and Casen share donut holes.
I must say I am thrilled to see that his ambitions have improved from last year for what he wants to be when he grows up - last year he wanted to be 'a worker that works on the road'. What is even better is that the reason he choose the professions he did is because he wants to do something to help people. Now that warms a momma's heart!
He wore his birthday crown all day! |