This past week has been a week of answered prayers and reminds us just how truly blessed we are!!! It started with Shane having a job interview at Northpoint Middle School in Tomball for a fifth grade math and science teacher. He had his reservations about interviewing at a school that is not economically disadvantaged since he has a heart for the kids that generally come from low income families or from families that have no real male role model. However, after having multiple conversations with the principal as well as having a great interview with the principal and two other teachers, he seemed really excited about the position and had a really good feeling about the position. Shane realized that the principal was a great Christian man who would allow him to have an after school program with students using Christian beliefs and fitness together to help mold them into kids with good moral standards. (This was something he wanted to do at his previous job but his administrative team showed no interest in his idea). He also found out from one of the teachers that many of the students have dads, but they are absent from the student's lives. By Thursday, he heard from the principal and was offered the position. What is great is, not only does Shane get along wonderfully with the principal, but the school is maybe 3 miles from our house - much better than the 45 minute drive he had one way to his previous school. So now both of our jobs are very close to home.
Another exciting thing that happened was I got a new vehicle this week. We have been looking since before Christmas, and at one point were very close to buying a Tahoe, but something just didn't seem right about it, so we walked away from that deal. When I put Casen's car seat in the car and realized that I was driving with my knees up under my chin, I knew we were going to have to get a new vehicle ASAP. So, after much looking, I went by myself on Wednesday, while Shane watched the boys, and bought a Honda Pilot. We now have what I consider a family vehicle!! We can take my vehicle on road trips now and have plenty of room - unlike before when we would have to take Shane's truck since everything would not fit in my vehicle (and that was just with one child). I absolutely despise buying a vehicle, but luckily, did not have a bad experience. Today we went on our first outing as a whole family to church. Casen did great and slept the majority of the time. It was nice to get to go church as well as go on our first outing as a family in my new vehicle!

And of course, since Casen's doctor's appointment went well, that added to our week of blessings. He has been sleeping very well at night. He usually goes between 3 and 4 hours between his feedings at night, and what is even better, is after I feed him, he generally goes right back to sleep! That is very nice for this momma!