Monday, November 29, 2010
Getting Better
Today Camden had his weight check with Dr. Taylor. Since he was in the second percentile for weight a month ago, she wanted to see him today to monitor his improvement. He weighed in at 17 pounds 7 ounces, which put him in the fourth percentile. (It was a 1 pound 3 ounce weight gain.) Dr. Taylor was thrilled with his gain, while I on the other hand was hoping for at least fifth percentile. She said that whatever we are doing, to keep on doing it. So, we will keep shoveling in as much food as he will take!

Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving Weekend
After the Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, we packed up and headed back to Tomball. Mid Friday morning, we headed to Lumberton to enjoy the weekend with Shane's parents, grandparents from Georgia and his sister and her family. Camden was excited to receive two new toys from his Nana and Poppa Ron upon his arrival to their home. The new toys definitely kept him occupied while we were there and since we brought them home with us, they will continue to entertain him.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tooth #2
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Camden's First Thanksgiving
For several years now, my parents have been looking forward to us being able to celebrate Thanksgiving with them at Buckhorn Lake Resort in Kerrville. This is a very nice resort they retired to that celebrates Thanksgiving with everyone in the park, about 300 - 350 people. The park supplies the turkey, dressing and mashed potatoes while every one else brings a side dish. Due to the distance between Tuscaloosa and Kerrville, this was the first year that we had the opportunity to celebrate there with them. So, Tuesday after work, we headed for Kerrville and due to very light traffic, we made it in good time. On Thursday morning Melissa, Shawn, Mason and Braden arrived. I was excited to spend Thanksgiving with my family as well as experience a different type of Thanksgiving meal.
The meal was delicious and enjoyed by all. Camden sat in his high chair the whole time enjoying everyone's company and playing with his toys.
The meal was delicious and enjoyed by all. Camden sat in his high chair the whole time enjoying everyone's company and playing with his toys.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I am always looking for new foods for Camden to try. He is very much a 'texture child' and a lot of table food I try, he gags on due to not liking the texture of it. My Mom and I went to H-E-B for some odds and ends today and I decided to go ahead and pick up some Gerber Arrowroot cookies. I have avoided these in the past due to the fact they have whey protein from milk in them, but I decided we would go ahead and try them and see how he did. Well, as you can tell from the pictures, he absolutely LOVES them. And better yet, I have not seen any ill effects on his tummy from them!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Bye Bye
I have been waving bye to Camden pretty much since he started day care. He would always watch my hand and smile when I would wave at him. Recently, I knew he was getting close to being able to wave back because he would use his pointer finger and thumb in an attempt to wave. Yesterday when we dropped him off at daycare, he half-heartedly waved back to me. However, today when we arrived at daycare, and Ms. Caroline yelled across the room, "Hey Camden!" he started waving at her just like he knew what he was doing. Just precious!! And as Shane and I left, he waved at us with a big smile on his face! Once again, a proud momma!!!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Mixed Emotions
Today when we went to pick up Camden from daycare, I went to his cubby just as I do everyday. But this time, there were nothing but girl clothes in there. A bit perplexed, I looked at one of the teachers and she informed me that his cubby had been moved to the other end because on Monday, he was moving to the other room. (Other room being with the bigger kids) Now, I realize that this is originally where he started because it is the 6 month to 12 month old room, and since he is 9 months that is where he should be, but I am sad. My baby boy is growing oh so fast and I guess I am just not ready. Part of me can't wait for him to be walking and talking and exploring the world in a whole new light, but the other part of me just wants him to stay small so I can hold him, feed him myself and protect him from all the bad things in our world. Selfish, I know, but it is my reality. I look at my nephews daily and see all the wonderful things that being a mother of older children will bring. I can only imagine the pride my sister feels in how well she and Shawn have raised their boys. They make great grades, have good manners, are funny, and basically are just wonderful. They enjoy their boys in a completely different way than you enjoy an infant. I look forward to that, but I know how much I miss the way he was just 3 months ago, so I can 't even imagine when he is say two, three, or eleven for that matter. For the time being, I guess I will just focus on him being 9 months and absorb every ounce of enjoyment that I can.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
He Had us Jaded
So, I walk into daycare today to pick up my precious angel. As I walked in the door I noticed him sitting in the highchair drinking juice. Now, that might sound like nothing out of the ordinary, however, Camden was holding his own bottle guzzling down the juice. I was in shock. At one point in time, he even took off one of his hands and 'one-handed' his bottle. I looked at Ms. Ellen, one of his teachers, with a startled look on my face and she said, "He doesn't do that at home?" Heck no he doesn't - he holds it but won't lift it up and just sucks air. I could not believe it!
Tonight, when it was time to eat, he did not even try to lift a finger to drink his milk. He just sat there with his mouth open waiting for me to give the bottle to him. I wanted Shane to see what a big boy he was, so I nicely just sat the bottle in his lap. Well after a bit of fussing, he picked up his bottle and started drinking!

Tonight, when it was time to eat, he did not even try to lift a finger to drink his milk. He just sat there with his mouth open waiting for me to give the bottle to him. I wanted Shane to see what a big boy he was, so I nicely just sat the bottle in his lap. Well after a bit of fussing, he picked up his bottle and started drinking!

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Play Ball
Camden has a new obsession with balls, and his ability to throw them. He likes all shapes and sizes, but particularly likes smaller baseballs, which I am sure just makes his daddy so very proud!! Shane is convinced that he is right handed, since that is the hand he continues to use to throw the balls. I guess only time will tell.
Friday, November 5, 2010
I Should Have Known
On Tuesday, I had to stay late at work and Shane went and picked up Camden from daycare. At 5:00 pm, while on my way home, I received a call from Shane telling me that Camden felt hot to him so he took his temperature and found it to be 99.9. I instructed him to given Camden Tylenol and see how he did. By 6:00 pm he was still hot, and his temperature increased to 100.7. I gave him Motrin, fed him, and put him to bed. Around 2:15 am I got up and checked on him and he did not feel hot, so I was relieved. However, by 6:20 am when I went to wake him for school, he again felt hot and his temperature was 101.4. Now here is the part I hate to admit, I medicated my child and sent him to school. Yes, this is something I said I would never do, but since he had no other symptoms what so ever, we decided to do it. I waited the majority of the day for his daycare to call me, and they never did. But when Shane picked him up, he again was hot and when we got home, he was 101.9. So he again was medicated and sent to bed sometime after 7:00 pm. Now I know some of you are probably questioning why daycare did not catch him feeling hot, but with him being bald, his head always feels hot. It took us awhile to get used to this and know that it was his norm to feel hot and not check his temperature every time we turned around. As a matter of fact, when he started daycare, they too commented on him feeling hot, so today it probably did not phase them. Anyway, Thursday morning, he clapped and yelled "Yea!!!" the minute I walked into his room. I definitely knew he felt better and was relieved. Perhaps he already knew what I was yet to find out.
Well, tonight, before putting Camden to bed, I decided to check out his mouth to make sure no swelling of the gums was noted. He had been chewing on things a bit more over the past few days, and I had looked in his mouth but had noticed no redness or swelling. So I felt around and lo and behold, felt a tooth. Melissa helped me shine a light in his mouth and there it was, Camden's first tooth! I should have known!!! No wonder he had fever. What a great 9 month birthday present!

Camden's first tooth!
Another first happened for Camden today! About a month ago, we had bought him a shopping cart cover but every time we have gone to the store, he has been asleep so we just left him in his carrier. Tonight, we went out to eat with Shawn, Melissa, Mason and Braden and afterwards went by Wal-Mart and Camden was wide awake so he was able to experience sitting in the shopping cart. I must say, he absolutely loved it. He played and had a great time people watching!

Enjoying being a big boy.
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