I am in awe that tomorrow is the 30 week marker for me. Ten weeks really is not that long, and who knows if he will go to full term. I must get busy!!! When I asked Shane if he was getting anxious about it, he looked at me like I was crazy. It amazes me that men can be so very oblivious to what is about to be a life changing event. I am ready to meet him and hold him, but know that I have lots to do before that time - so hopefully he will continue to stay in the comfort of my uterus until much closer to time.
Monday, November 30, 2009
29 Weeks 6 Days
Today I had another appointment with the ophthalmologist. My vision has remained decreased since the cold I have had and the floater that showed up over a week ago is still present in my vision. Dr. Kudirka said that there was still swelling in my eye and that the floater I have will never go away, but may settle down. But, if I look for it, it will always be there. He said, again, that only time would tell if my vision will improve. I have been trying to remain hopeful that it will improve, since it seemed to be doing so until the cold. But he did make a comment that keeps lingering in my mind. He basically said that since it is remaining swollen that it can damage the optic nerve, basically therefore causing more damage to the eye. So, once again, I hope and pray that the vision improves sooner more so than later.
I am in awe that tomorrow is the 30 week marker for me. Ten weeks really is not that long, and who knows if he will go to full term. I must get busy!!! When I asked Shane if he was getting anxious about it, he looked at me like I was crazy. It amazes me that men can be so very oblivious to what is about to be a life changing event. I am ready to meet him and hold him, but know that I have lots to do before that time - so hopefully he will continue to stay in the comfort of my uterus until much closer to time.
I am in awe that tomorrow is the 30 week marker for me. Ten weeks really is not that long, and who knows if he will go to full term. I must get busy!!! When I asked Shane if he was getting anxious about it, he looked at me like I was crazy. It amazes me that men can be so very oblivious to what is about to be a life changing event. I am ready to meet him and hold him, but know that I have lots to do before that time - so hopefully he will continue to stay in the comfort of my uterus until much closer to time.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
29 Weeks 5 Days
After getting to spend time with my sister and her family, they of course had to leave today. We did not really do anything exciting while they were here, but I so enjoyed the time we all got to spend together. On Thursday evening, we celebrated Christmas between our two families since we will not see one another on or near Christmas and then watched the University of Texas vs. Texas A&M football game.
On Friday, Melissa, Shawn and I went and did a little shopping while Shane, Mason and Braden stayed at the house and played video games. I was able to pick up a few Christmas presents and luckily really don't have too much more to do. We got home during the second quarter of the Alabama vs. Auburn game and they got to see Shane in his game mode. Shane did a lot of yelling during the game, which Melissa found humorous. She is already feeling sorry for Camden for future game days! : )
On Saturday, we went sightseeing and looked for different places for Melissa to take pictures of the boys for their Christmas cards. The boys looked so handsome in their Christmas outfits! We of course took a tour of the campus, and took several pictures at Bryant-Denny Stadium. That evening we went and ate Mexican food, which I found a bit humorous since Shane and I are not fond of Alabama Mexican food, but Iguana Grill is probably the closest thing to Tex-Mex.
It amazes me how fast the boys are growing up, and I am looking forward to living closer so I can be more interactive in their lives. They are absolutely wonderful boys and I truly believe that Melissa and Shawn are doing such a great job raising them!!
On Friday, Melissa, Shawn and I went and did a little shopping while Shane, Mason and Braden stayed at the house and played video games. I was able to pick up a few Christmas presents and luckily really don't have too much more to do. We got home during the second quarter of the Alabama vs. Auburn game and they got to see Shane in his game mode. Shane did a lot of yelling during the game, which Melissa found humorous. She is already feeling sorry for Camden for future game days! : )
On Saturday, we went sightseeing and looked for different places for Melissa to take pictures of the boys for their Christmas cards. The boys looked so handsome in their Christmas outfits! We of course took a tour of the campus, and took several pictures at Bryant-Denny Stadium. That evening we went and ate Mexican food, which I found a bit humorous since Shane and I are not fond of Alabama Mexican food, but Iguana Grill is probably the closest thing to Tex-Mex.
It amazes me how fast the boys are growing up, and I am looking forward to living closer so I can be more interactive in their lives. They are absolutely wonderful boys and I truly believe that Melissa and Shawn are doing such a great job raising them!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
29 Weeks, 2 Days - Thanksgiving Day
Today, and everyday, we have so much to be thankful for. My sister, her husband, and my two nephews are here visiting for the holidays - and it has been so nice. Today I cooked my first Thanksgiving meal, and as a person who is not so great at handing out compliments to herself, I was pleased. I did not even take the time to take a picture of the festivities, but all seemed to be good. One of my pet peeves for myself when cooking is making sure everything is done and ready at the same time. I must say, I conquered my goal of having it all ready to go at the same time. Now of course the meal will never be as good as mom's, but I was not striving for that!!!
Today was the first day that I actually felt one of Camden's body parts sticking out, which Melissa and I decided was probably his knee. He was making himself present for the Thanksgiving meal! Now we must decide what we are going to do the rest of the weekend - definitely no early shopping for any of us!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and really took the time to think about all the blessings they have to truly be thankful for!
Today was the first day that I actually felt one of Camden's body parts sticking out, which Melissa and I decided was probably his knee. He was making himself present for the Thanksgiving meal! Now we must decide what we are going to do the rest of the weekend - definitely no early shopping for any of us!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and really took the time to think about all the blessings they have to truly be thankful for!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
29 Weeks 1 Day
On Monday I underwent the three hour glucose tolerance test. I thought that fasting would be the hardest part of that test, but found out very early that it was ingesting the horrible glucose cocktail that they give you. My one hour test was done in my doctor's office and I had the choice of orange, lemon-lime or cola flavored. It wasn't the best stuff, but was definitely drinkable. In the lab, they gave me what was supposed to be fruit punch and I can assure you, the only resemblance to fruit punch was the color. For the 3 hour test you have to drink twice as much and I will be honest, it was rough. I drank and drank and drank and felt I would never get it down. Half way through, the lab tech gave me a straw to see if that would help. Well, I wouldn't say it helped, but I did get it all down. Since the lab is in the building I work in, I was able to go back to work and have a coworker draw my blood every hour. Kim (my wonderful coworker) actually decided we should just start an IV and draw the blood out of it so I wouldn't have to get stuck so many times. I was all for that and she did a fantastic job!!! So after the three hours was up, I just knew I would be starving to death, but by this time it was 10:45 am and I knew lunch was right around the corner, so opted not to eat something then. Within one hour, my sugar bottomed out when I was on the phone with a patient and I was sweating profusely. I thought that I was hiding the way I felt, but after I reached for a granola bar and started eating it, one of my other coworkers looked at me and gave me a peppermint and then when Kim walked up, the look on her face said it all. She made me eat a glucose tab and within 10 minutes or so I was back in action. After receiving my test results, this event all made sense!!!
So I called the doctor's office on Tuesday and she had not reviewed the results yet, so I called back on Wednesday and was told I passed. My fasting sugar was 84. The one hour was 98, two hour 91, and three hour 85. (So who knows how low it was one hour later!!) I was thrilled, but in shock. How in the heck could I have 178 on my fasting and not even get over 100 on the three hour. One of the doctor's I work with said not to be concerned, but it just seems odd to me. I will be looking forward to Dr. D explaining that one to me!! But I am so grateful and feel so blessed that I do not have gestational diabetes. I had been trying to accept the fact that I did. My husband gets irritated with me that I am negative when it comes to things like that, but what I tried to explain to him is that I would rather be prepared than be oblivious and in denial. Either way, I am still so happy!!
Today I went and saw Dr. Hogan and I told him about the decreased vision in my eye as well as the floater that appeared on Sunday and has not left. I told him that I had a chest cold and contributed the decreased vision to the coughing I was doing. He told me that MS and things like ocular neuritis, will indeed flare up with any type of viral or bacterial infection, especially like with a UTI. I told him that I had just gotten over a UTI - he did not find it surprising that I was having problems and told me once again that it would take time. I also discussed with him the concern Dr. D had with me having an epidural since she thought it caused flare ups of MS (even though I don't have it) post partum. He told me that it is not the epidural that causes the flare ups, it is just post-partum in general with all the hormones and everything the body has gone through and he saw no reason as to why I should not have an epidural if that is the route I wanted to go. So all in all, an informative visit. I am due back to see him mid-March once Camden is here.
When I got home from work today, I found that my dear husband had gone and picked up the baby bed and had it put together in Camden's room. I am very pleased with the bed, but not really certain about the color on the walls - that is another story for another time!!! He and my brother-in-law will go and pick up the dresser this Saturday and then we can really start trying to get the nursery together - thank goodness!!! I will post pictures when we have the room all together.
I am looking forward to my sister and her family coming to visit this Thanksgiving. They have not been to Alabama since we have lived here. I am a bit anxious about cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner by myself - I will let you know how that goes!!!!
So I called the doctor's office on Tuesday and she had not reviewed the results yet, so I called back on Wednesday and was told I passed. My fasting sugar was 84. The one hour was 98, two hour 91, and three hour 85. (So who knows how low it was one hour later!!) I was thrilled, but in shock. How in the heck could I have 178 on my fasting and not even get over 100 on the three hour. One of the doctor's I work with said not to be concerned, but it just seems odd to me. I will be looking forward to Dr. D explaining that one to me!! But I am so grateful and feel so blessed that I do not have gestational diabetes. I had been trying to accept the fact that I did. My husband gets irritated with me that I am negative when it comes to things like that, but what I tried to explain to him is that I would rather be prepared than be oblivious and in denial. Either way, I am still so happy!!
Today I went and saw Dr. Hogan and I told him about the decreased vision in my eye as well as the floater that appeared on Sunday and has not left. I told him that I had a chest cold and contributed the decreased vision to the coughing I was doing. He told me that MS and things like ocular neuritis, will indeed flare up with any type of viral or bacterial infection, especially like with a UTI. I told him that I had just gotten over a UTI - he did not find it surprising that I was having problems and told me once again that it would take time. I also discussed with him the concern Dr. D had with me having an epidural since she thought it caused flare ups of MS (even though I don't have it) post partum. He told me that it is not the epidural that causes the flare ups, it is just post-partum in general with all the hormones and everything the body has gone through and he saw no reason as to why I should not have an epidural if that is the route I wanted to go. So all in all, an informative visit. I am due back to see him mid-March once Camden is here.
When I got home from work today, I found that my dear husband had gone and picked up the baby bed and had it put together in Camden's room. I am very pleased with the bed, but not really certain about the color on the walls - that is another story for another time!!! He and my brother-in-law will go and pick up the dresser this Saturday and then we can really start trying to get the nursery together - thank goodness!!! I will post pictures when we have the room all together.
I am looking forward to my sister and her family coming to visit this Thanksgiving. They have not been to Alabama since we have lived here. I am a bit anxious about cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner by myself - I will let you know how that goes!!!!
How our baby is growing:
Our baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in his hardening skeleton each day.Saturday, November 21, 2009
28 Weeks 4 Days
Today was the last home game that we will be attending here at the University of Alabama. I am sad because football season is something we absolutely love and we will definitely miss going to the games as well as the atmosphere. It was an easy game for us because we played Tennessee-Chattanooga and beat them 45-0. Luckily, it was an early game so I was able to come home and work on Camden's nursery. I had Shane move everything out of the room so I could steam clean the carpet and clean the baseboards real good, and then we moved just the bed and dresser back in so that my nephews would have a place to sleep next week when they come for Thanksgiving. I feel a little bit better about the progress of his nursery, but will feel much better about it when we go and pick up his furniture next weekend and get it set up. Of course, I still have to pick out a paint color for Shane to paint an accent wall in his room, but I don't plan on getting too carried away with it since we will be moving between 3 and 5 months after he is born.
I did get some pre-Thanksgiving grocery shopping accomplished on Wednesday night. I figured I had better try to get a few things accomplished in regards to the meal so that I would not be killing myself trying to get it all done on Thanksgiving day. I am really excited about my sister and her family coming here since they have not been here to visit since we moved here. However, I am a bit concerned about our meal since my mother normally does the turkey. This will be the first time I attempt this all on my own, and since I hate to fail, I put too much pressure on myself. But, I am ready to try!! I will keep you posted on how the whole meal goes.
As for an eye update, I felt like things seem to be getting a little better, aside from the blind spot I have in my peripheral vision. I started getting a sore throat on Wednesday and by Thursday it turned into a chest cold and I have been coughing quiet a bit. Since I have been coughing, I have noticed that my vision in the right eye has seemed to become blurry again. I told Shane earlier today that I would not be surprised if the pressure from coughing has an affect on the ocular neuritis thus causing my vision to digress. Well after doing some research, what I thought was indeed true. I do have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Hogan (the neurologist) on Wednesday so will discuss it with him then, but figure once again, that time will have to heal this.
I did get some pre-Thanksgiving grocery shopping accomplished on Wednesday night. I figured I had better try to get a few things accomplished in regards to the meal so that I would not be killing myself trying to get it all done on Thanksgiving day. I am really excited about my sister and her family coming here since they have not been here to visit since we moved here. However, I am a bit concerned about our meal since my mother normally does the turkey. This will be the first time I attempt this all on my own, and since I hate to fail, I put too much pressure on myself. But, I am ready to try!! I will keep you posted on how the whole meal goes.
As for an eye update, I felt like things seem to be getting a little better, aside from the blind spot I have in my peripheral vision. I started getting a sore throat on Wednesday and by Thursday it turned into a chest cold and I have been coughing quiet a bit. Since I have been coughing, I have noticed that my vision in the right eye has seemed to become blurry again. I told Shane earlier today that I would not be surprised if the pressure from coughing has an affect on the ocular neuritis thus causing my vision to digress. Well after doing some research, what I thought was indeed true. I do have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Hogan (the neurologist) on Wednesday so will discuss it with him then, but figure once again, that time will have to heal this.
Friday, November 20, 2009
28 Weeks 3 Days - Seventh Appointment
Today I had an OB appointment as well as my glucose tolerance test. I have been dreading this particular appointment since I found I was pregnant because I was always so afraid that I was going to have gestational diabetes. My reasoning behind this, is when I was in nursing school, back in 1994, I had a problem with my sugar then and had a 3 hour glucose tolerance test. Basically the findings were that my sugar would get really high after I ate and then my natural insulin would kick in and drop my sugar really low and make me very fatigued. To make a long story short, my doctor told me then that I would probably have gestational diabetes whenever I did decide to have a child. Also, I feel like I have my age going against me.
So, I was called back and instructed to drink my orange (syrup) soda and then she obtained my weight - which I have now gained twenty pounds. Camden's heart rate was 140 bpm by doppler and my fundal height was 27cm - which is right on cue. Dr. D and I discussed pre-term labor and she ordered a follow up urine test to make sure my urinary tract infection was all gone, which I suspect it is. We also discussed if I wanted to have natural child birth or an epidural. I am not opposed to trying natural, but if I feel the need for an epidural will definitely ask. She told me that I needed to discuss with the neurologist about having an epidural. Apparently epidurals can cause people with MS to have flare ups post-partum, which she knows I don't have MS, but felt I should discuss with him this since I have an increased risk of getting it in the future. So I will ask Dr. Hogan when I see him on Wednesday. After my appointment with Dr. D, I went back to work, (since my office is the floor right below the OB doctor) and after my hour was up, I went back to the OB lab for them to check my sugar. Now, they want it to be 140 or less one hour after ingesting the syrup, and don't you know, mine was 178. I FAILED miserably!!!! So, now I will be having the three hour glucose tolerance test on Monday - which stinks since it is right before Thanksgiving. I honestly do not think I will pass it either since I failed by such a huge margin, so I am feeling a bit bummed about it all.
I must remember that Camden is moving as he should, my measurements do not appear to be large, so as for now, he is right on target with his growth. I will try to focus on the positives of all this and just do whatever it is I need to do to have a healthy baby boy.
So, I was called back and instructed to drink my orange (syrup) soda and then she obtained my weight - which I have now gained twenty pounds. Camden's heart rate was 140 bpm by doppler and my fundal height was 27cm - which is right on cue. Dr. D and I discussed pre-term labor and she ordered a follow up urine test to make sure my urinary tract infection was all gone, which I suspect it is. We also discussed if I wanted to have natural child birth or an epidural. I am not opposed to trying natural, but if I feel the need for an epidural will definitely ask. She told me that I needed to discuss with the neurologist about having an epidural. Apparently epidurals can cause people with MS to have flare ups post-partum, which she knows I don't have MS, but felt I should discuss with him this since I have an increased risk of getting it in the future. So I will ask Dr. Hogan when I see him on Wednesday. After my appointment with Dr. D, I went back to work, (since my office is the floor right below the OB doctor) and after my hour was up, I went back to the OB lab for them to check my sugar. Now, they want it to be 140 or less one hour after ingesting the syrup, and don't you know, mine was 178. I FAILED miserably!!!! So, now I will be having the three hour glucose tolerance test on Monday - which stinks since it is right before Thanksgiving. I honestly do not think I will pass it either since I failed by such a huge margin, so I am feeling a bit bummed about it all.
I must remember that Camden is moving as he should, my measurements do not appear to be large, so as for now, he is right on target with his growth. I will try to focus on the positives of all this and just do whatever it is I need to do to have a healthy baby boy.
How our baby is growing:
By this week, our baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.Sunday, November 15, 2009
27 Weeks 5 Days
On Thursday I received a call from the place where I ordered my furniture, and it is in!!! Woo Hoo!! I think Shane and I decided that we would wait until the Saturday after Thanksgiving to pick it up since my sister and brother-in-law will be here and can help get it loaded and unloaded. I can hardly wait to get the nursery started!!
This weekend was so very special to me and I honestly don't think I could have asked for a better weekend. Shane and I left for Texas Friday morning, and after Shane receiving a speeding ticket in Louisiana, arrived there mid afternoon. On Saturday, two of my dear friends, Lorrie Dillon and Lisa Reeves, my sister, and my "other" mom, Pat Appel, gave me a shower in my hometown of Orange. I was so pleased to see people that I have not seen since I left Texas. Two hours was just not enough time to catch up with everyone. The hostesses did such a great job with the decorations and food. I told Lorrie (who did the decorations) that she was definitely going to have to be my party planner once we move back to Texas!!! The cake was made by my best friend from intermediate school, Jeannie, and I must say she did a great job. Everything, you could tell, was made with time and love and it all really meant so very much to me. I feel bad for not being able to spend more time with my close friends - I was looking forward to chatting!!! Camden received lots of cute clothes and I honestly feel like I can now have a baby because I have the necessities needed - a carrier, diapers, wipes, clothes, baby toiletries, and hopefully my breast milk!!
Lorrie, Melissa, Me and Lisa
My dear co-workers who I miss so much
Amber, Angie, Carla, Me, Jane and Lisa
Me with some precious burp cloths!
This weekend was so very special to me and I honestly don't think I could have asked for a better weekend. Shane and I left for Texas Friday morning, and after Shane receiving a speeding ticket in Louisiana, arrived there mid afternoon. On Saturday, two of my dear friends, Lorrie Dillon and Lisa Reeves, my sister, and my "other" mom, Pat Appel, gave me a shower in my hometown of Orange. I was so pleased to see people that I have not seen since I left Texas. Two hours was just not enough time to catch up with everyone. The hostesses did such a great job with the decorations and food. I told Lorrie (who did the decorations) that she was definitely going to have to be my party planner once we move back to Texas!!! The cake was made by my best friend from intermediate school, Jeannie, and I must say she did a great job. Everything, you could tell, was made with time and love and it all really meant so very much to me. I feel bad for not being able to spend more time with my close friends - I was looking forward to chatting!!! Camden received lots of cute clothes and I honestly feel like I can now have a baby because I have the necessities needed - a carrier, diapers, wipes, clothes, baby toiletries, and hopefully my breast milk!!
Lorrie, Melissa, Me and Lisa

Amber, Angie, Carla, Me, Jane and Lisa

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
27 Weeks - Third Trimester
It is soooo hard to believe that today starts my third trimester. It seems like yesterday that we found out we were pregnant, but yet so much has happened since then. Today was my last dose of Macrobid and I am finally back to my normal prenatal vitamins and other supplements. I am feeling good, aside from tiring more easily, and my vision seems to be improving. Things are clearer, although it takes a little longer for things to focus out of the right eye, and I still have the area that I am missing my vision in the upper right corner of my visual field. I am staying hopeful that my vision will continue to return and before too long will be back to normal. As for Camden, he is still in the head down position and kicks a lot, which I still love to feel!!! I am looking forward to his furniture coming in so that we can finally get started on the nursery. I have really tried to remain calm about his nursery (or lack there of) but now that this is the third trimester, I am starting to get a little antsy!!! Hopefully it will be here right around Thanksgiving - surely I can remain calm till then! : )
How our baby is growing:
This week,our baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, our baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now.Sunday, November 8, 2009
26 Weeks 5 Days
This has been a busy, but pleasant weekend. Friday, I worked until 12:00 pm and decided that I HAD to finally plant my pansies in the front flower bed. Now, I did not intentionally wait this long to do this, but we had an issue with a leak in our front yard that was keeping our flower bed very wet. Last Saturday, Shane and I dug and found the leak in the main water line going to our house, and luckily our across the street neighbor had knowledge of how to fix this type of problem and brought all the needed tools on Sunday and spent several hours fixing the leak. So I gave it a week to make sure all was well and finally got the pansies planted on Friday. Now let me just stop here and say that I have been going to the gym, mainly to do cardio, and definitely not as often as prior to pregnancy, but at least two to three times per week. It is obvious that I have not done a thing with the muscles in my legs because I suffered until probably Wednesday of last week, and then again till Monday of this week with SORE legs!!! Amazing what bending up and down to work in the yard can do to a person!! But the flower bed looks good, and I enjoyed being outside working in the yard.
Of course, Saturday was Alabama vs. LSU and we spent the majority of the day walking around the quad and then going to the game. I told Shane as we were sitting at the game that I really am going to miss going to the football games once we move back to Texas. Today, I helped give a baby shower for one of my friends who is due next month. It was so exciting to see all the precious little outfits and baby stuff that she received for her daughter. It made me even more excited for my shower this weekend!!! I can hardly wait to see all my Texas friends!!!!
Of course, Saturday was Alabama vs. LSU and we spent the majority of the day walking around the quad and then going to the game. I told Shane as we were sitting at the game that I really am going to miss going to the football games once we move back to Texas. Today, I helped give a baby shower for one of my friends who is due next month. It was so exciting to see all the precious little outfits and baby stuff that she received for her daughter. It made me even more excited for my shower this weekend!!! I can hardly wait to see all my Texas friends!!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
26 weeks
So just when you think things are going to start looking up . . . . . something new takes place!! I woke up this morning in usual fashion and headed straight to the bathroom to tinkle, urinate, potty, or whatever other word you would like to use. I got up, turned around to flush the toilet, and noticed nothing but blood tinged water. Of course I panicked, sat back down and calmed myself down. After further review, it did not seem to be vaginal bleeding, thank the Lord. So I continued to get myself ready for the day, and before leaving, once again used the restroom, with blood noted again. After I got to work, I went ahead and went to the lab and gave a urine specimen and then when the doctor's office opened, I called them and let the nurse know the events of the morning, and that the lab results should be headed their way. Well, needless to say, it is a horrible urinary tract infection, of which I have not ever had, and so I am now on Macrobid to help cure this minor problem. Luckily, as far as symptoms, I only have a little flank pain that comes and goes and some pressure type discomfort in my lower abdomen.
Two positive notes about the day, Dr. Hogan's office called and all the additional blood test he did came back negative and today was my last day of Prednisone!!!! : )
Two positive notes about the day, Dr. Hogan's office called and all the additional blood test he did came back negative and today was my last day of Prednisone!!!! : )
How our baby is growing:
The network of nerves in our baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both my voice and Shane's as we chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (a cucumber) from head to heel. His testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days.
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