Saturday, August 31, 2024

August Happenings

With school starting back, we have been getting back into a regular routine of practices and homework. The temperatures have been too hot for Casen to practice football after school, so until it cools off some, he is up and at em' pretty early and at school by 5:45 am for practice. Camden has soccer practice on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm. He has always done a great job of balancing his school work and soccer and is continuing with that great habit.

Casen has been busy on the weekends doing fun things with friends. He enjoyed going to an Astros game with his friend Wesley and was able to watch the fireworks from the field.

Labor Day weekend he was invited to go to the lake with his friend Evan and had a fun day tubing on Lake Conroe.

Evan, Casen and Aiden

The morning of August 18th I woke up and within minutes, heard Casen calling for me. Once I got upstairs and into his room, he told me that Nina had vomited multiple times and it started in the early hours of the morning. I took her downstairs and let her outside and noticed that she appeared uncomfortable as she was squatting to use the restroom multiple times all over the backyard. She came back inside, ate her breakfast, and then asked to go back outside, where she again squatted all over the back yard. It was obvious to me that she most likely had a urinary tract infection and was miserable. I ended up taking her to an urgent care vet clinic (supposedly cheaper than an emergency care vet clinic) and about 2 hours and $400 later, she was diagnosed with a UTI. She was given a shot of an anti-nausea med and pain med, along with a 5 day supply of antibiotics and we headed home. Needless to say, it took a few days for her to get back to her spunky self!

Patiently waiting at the urgent care.

Camden and I spent some time serving the Haley Rasco Foundation with YMSL. We helped stuff  Go Gold Celebration bags that will be passed out at MD Anderson Cancer Center and several Texas Children's Hospital campuses during the month of September to share childhood cancer awareness.

I love serving alongside my boy!

And to round out our month, Casen lost another tooth. This time it was one of his right lower molars. 

As we wrap up August, I am looking forward to what the business of September will bring!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

First Day of the 24-25 School Year

Today was the first day of school for Camden and Casen. They both started new schools with Camden now being at the high school and Casen the junior high. 

Camden will start taking the bus to and from school for the first time ever since his school is not right next door or a block away from Shane. But, since it was the first day, I had the joy of driving him to his first day of high school. 

I knew Camden had to be nervous, heck I was nervous for him. He told me he was only a little nervous, and would figure it out. I had no doubt he would. 

Walking in on the first day.

Both boys had a good first day and I was especially pleased to receive a first day of school picture of Charlotte and Casen. I was afraid once they moved onto Junior High that Emily (Charlotte's mom) and I would no longer get a picture. But Casen remembered and when he got to Shane's school he made sure they got a picture together. 

I am looking forward to what lies ahead for them both and pray they both have a great year!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Orientation and Other Fun Happenings

August started off busy for Camden. Last Friday he had Freshman orientation. I keep asking myself the same question over and over - how are we already here??? He is so dang excited and I can't help but be excited for him as well. 

We were able to walk the school and try to get a lay of the land so he won't be so overwhelmed on the first day of school. 

Camden has been saving his money for quite some time so he could build his own gaming computer. In addition to his birthday money as well as money he earned for his excellent grades, he has been doing odd jobs for Ms. Susan, (our next door neighbor) including picking up her dogs' poop once a week. When he told me he was going to build a computer, I wasn't exactly sure how he was going to accomplish it since computers have never really been his thing. With a lot of research and watching videos, he knew exactly what parts he needed to order and how much it would cost him. Finally, the time came and over the past few weeks we have been ordering the parts he needed. After orientation, he spent several hours working in his closet/office and was able to build his computer.

On Saturday, Camden and his indoor soccer team played their last game of the season which they won and earned the title of champions. 

While Camden was winning championships, Casen spent Friday night with his friend Evan, and then on Saturday his mom took a few boys to Lagoonfest in Texas City. It is a pretty lagoon with a huge inflatable obstacle course. He had a great time. 

On Sunday, we met Shane's parents in Cleveland and dropped the boys off to them so they could spend some time with their grandparents in Lumberton. While there, they were able to spend some time with their cousins playing video games at Main Event.

Camden, Casen, Malachi, and Gavin

Shane picked the boys up and brought them back in time for Casen to go to his 7th grade orientation today at the junior high. Just as Camden was excited to be going to a new school, so is Casen. Only a few days left of summer . . .

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Other July Happenings

July has been a very busy month. When the boys were not at their grandparents, going to camp or serving on their mission, they were attending speed and agility camp at school during the week. On the weekends he was available, Camden was playing on an indoor soccer team with a few of his old Dynamos teammates. 

Team party

On July 20th, Casen lost one of his lower left teeth. He still has a few to lose, but he is getting closer to getting braces.

When Camden and I find time, we are volunteering at different philanthropies for YMSL. We had fun playing BINGO with the residents at the Village at Gleannloch Farms and enjoyed fishing one evening with the kiddos who reside at Boys and Girls Country.

We loved the cows and views
at Boys and Girls Country

It is hard to believe that summer is coming to an end. I know the boys will be soaking up what time they have left before schools starts back up. 

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Casen's Mission Trip

Casen had just a little downtime on Sunday and then Monday he was up and at 'em as this week was his mission trip. He was part of the Houston 6 team at Faithbridge. Due to the hurricane, the place where they were schedule to work and hold a VBS had to cancel due to no electricity. Instead, his team worked hard cleaning vans to transport kiddos to Faithbridge for a VBS.

Casen apparently is a good tre cleaner!

Casen enjoyed performing in skits and preparing food for the kids they brought to the church. He is exhausted from the week, but enjoyed his week serving.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Pine Cove 2024

The boys spent the past week at Pine Cove having a great time while we had a long week at home. Once we got back from Kerrville, we washed laundry and got everything together so I could get the boys all packed up and ready to go to camp.

On Sunday we headed to Columbus to drop them both off at Pine Cove and drove through a lot of rain to get there. Hurricane Bleyl was headed in our direction and was scheduled to hit on Monday, however Columbus was not really in the path, so camp was still on schedule. 

With Camden going into 9th grade, he no longer is going to camp at the Outback, but instead is going to the Ridge. Since he and his crew like to be at camp as soon as the gates open so they can be first to choose their bunk, he rode with his friend Cole. Casen's drop off time was a bit earlier then Camden's so we took him and got him situated first. He did not go with any friends this year, so he was looking forward to meeting his cabin mates. We got to unload in the rain, and since Casen's counselor, Pig, was trying to help get everyone unloaded, I didn't get a picture of he and Casen together.

We then headed over to the Ridge to get Camden situated. He again went to camp with the same group of guys he has gone with the past three years. Much to my surprise, Michelle (Cole's mom) had Camden's bed already made and he was situated.

Tyce, Camden, Cole and Trennan

Boing (the counselor) with the boys

Getting ready to take their 
swim test.

Hurricane Bleyl blew into our area early Monday morning and we lost power at 7:30am. It left behind a quite a bit of damage to the Cypress area, with a lot of trees down. A little after 11:00am the rain completely stopped as the eye of the storm was over our area, but then started raining again.

With all the damage to the area, we were without electricity until Thursday late afternoon. Fortunately, the temperature wasn't too bad on Monday, so we were able to sleep somewhat comfortably that night, however the temperatures started increasing and let me tell you it was HOT!!!! Work was cancelled so being at home, there were times I felt nauseated sitting in the house. On Tuesday and Wednesday night, I went and stayed at Melissa and Shawn's house, just so I could sleep. 

Since things were not fun in Cypress, the highlights of my days were looking on-line for pictures of the boys from camp. 

Pig, Casen and his cabin mates

Pretty sunsets at The Ridge

The goats on the island at the Ridge

Camden and Trennan

Waiting for the Flowrider

I especially look forward to Tuesday and Thursday when I receive handwritten letters from the boys. Parents can send a letter via email on Monday and Wednesday, so in my letters to the boys, I filled them in on the hurricane and told them we were without electricity.

Camden enjoyed the go-karts

I was so grateful that the boys were not home this past week - they would have been miserable. From the pictures, it looked like they were living their best life and having a great time at camp. I was ready to see them today and see what CQs (character qualities) their counselors picked for them. Always a special time.

Camden's CQs:
Kind, Perceptive and Confident

Camden and Ryan (Boing)
Casen's CQs:
Agreeable, Polite, Supportive

Casen and Greg (Pig)

Glad to have my boys back! They were both so quiet on the way home since they were tired. Hopefully in the next few days I will hear lots of stories about their week.